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Member Since 01 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2011 03:06 AM

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In Topic: BWP (Nashkel)

11 October 2011 - 07:11 AM

Hello ! Thanks for the info !
Been busy with work these days haha but er can anyone offer any solutions to the issue ?
If not i think I'll just try a reinstall and see if that works =/

In Topic: BWP (Nashkel)

04 October 2011 - 07:00 AM

Hmm I am confused...you mean the crash i am experiencing is due to me having the GOG version of the game ? Specifically the CD6 issue ?
If so is there anyway I can solve the issue ?

Thanks so much !

In Topic: BWP (Nashkel)

03 October 2011 - 05:49 AM

Hi Jarno,

I tried the ambient sound thing and it still crashed.
This time I mouse-click instead of pressing escape and theres this pop-up that says:
Baldur's Gate II - Shadows of Amn - Throne of Bhaal has stopped working...the typical windows error msg

I tried logging the crash as well but the log file only has this output

Regarding the CD6 issue, shouldn't the big world install bat have taken care of it ?

Thanks for the help !

In Topic: BWP (Nashkel)

02 October 2011 - 07:01 AM

Anyone can help ?
Heres a few things that I tried but still can't solve the issue
1) Entering Nashkel from different entrance points
2) Entering at different times
3) Dropping all party members on entering

My Baldur ini file

Thanks !