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Member Since 29 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 04 2011 04:26 AM

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In Topic: Debug mode

02 October 2011 - 10:08 AM

Yea I'll probably just Ignore em, (killed a warewolf and lost a rep point :) but they should be gone by the time i get to SOA Ok here's the complete list.


Im asuming to fix the bone thing.

In Topic: Debug mode

02 October 2011 - 09:52 AM

Ah I was a bit of an Rtard on the console. So used to pressing that key to the left of the number 1 or ctrl tab... Ctrl space, Facedesk.

Oh If you could tell me which mods i need to get rid of the remove the german npc's and a link to a guide to how to install/remove mods(without having to go through the massive big world editor thing. I would be very thankfull

In Topic: Debug mode

02 October 2011 - 09:49 AM

Hi :cheers:

Could you upload the files called WeiDU.log and baldur.ini in a following post?
1) WeiDU.log - lists all your mods to debug the skull problem
2) baldur.ini - so we might confirm you changed the right setting in the right part of the file :D (and mayhaps give you a corrected version :P)

Also, it would also help to know which OS you have and if in Windows Vista/7, whether you installed BGII in your Program Files folder (which would be the cause in WIn7) People generally advise against installing in Program Files :unsure: (unless you're ready to turn UAC off :D)

Also, I'm sure you probably already knew this but... doesn't hurt to confirm anyway right? :P Ctrl+Space brings up the CLUA console bar...

And finally, The console command needed would be CLUAConsole:CreateItem("MISC50") :cheers:

(says i'm not permited to upload that type of file. But here you go in a differnet format.

Situation of the pc: Windows 7, instaled on D drive, Runing in administrator mode No UAC popups ever again. YAY.

In Topic: Help! I'm about to snap my BG discs.

01 October 2011 - 08:57 AM

Its all working fine now.
Ive only noticed two things. Holy crap how long does it take for a theif to hit something. I must have spent 5 minutes fighting a single Xvart without blows being exchanged...

Second. I instaled the recomended mod version and  THINK i checked the No foreing langauge mods... But I seem to have german npcs everywhere. How would I go about fixing this?

Thanks for all the help.

Also, (holy crap Svirfneblin, level one magic resistance ac -2 and miror image. Tank theif.)