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Member Since 26 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2011 07:12 PM

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In Topic: Party members attacking?

26 September 2011 - 02:41 PM

No enchantments whatsoever. I could be fighting something with no spellcasting and it'll happen. XP
As for scripts and mods...
I use just the basic scripts provided by the game. I believe Sarevok has Spellcaster Defend (Oh, the irony. <_< ).
As for mods...Ah, there's a fair few, but ones that would affect ToB (in no particular order):
-BG2 Tweakpack
-Sarevok Romance
-Longer Road
-Wheels of Prophecy
-Unfinished Business
[edit XD damn, forgot two - though, I don't know if they're likely candidates...]
-Yoshimo Romance
-Crossmod banterpack