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Member Since 27 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active May 20 2005 10:02 AM

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In Topic: Weidu version of SOS and Baldurdash's fixpack

13 April 2005 - 01:13 AM

Seems that Baldurdash-SoS must be installed after the SoS mod.
Now what we are saying is that mixing a WeiDU mod (SoS weidu mind you?) with a non-WeiDU patch (then again, Baldurdash-SoS) can screw your install very badly, as non-weidu mods/patches have to overwrite complete files (unlike weidu which adds/appends its contents without altering the rest of the modified file).

Although trial and error is the best way to learn, so give it a go and check the results by yourself. For all I know I could be wrong.

Extracted from the readme (attached below):

This FixPack is specially modified for installs of Baldur's Gate II: Throne Of Bhaal which have the Shadows Over Soubar mod present. It has removed the following files which were determined to already be present thus would be overwritten and cause Shadows Over Soubar to stop working: Aeriej.dlg, Baldur.bcs, Edwin.bcs, Edwinj.dlg, Haerda.dlg, Mazzy.bcs, Spin661.spl, Spin662.spl, Spin664.spl, Valygar.bcs, Yoshimo.bcs. This enables Shadows Over Soubar players to install a Baldurdash FixPack rather than well over a hundred separate Zip archives to avoid overwriting these files. The Shadows Over Soubar files already contain the fixes, so nothing is lost in their removal.

In Topic: Weidu version of SOS and Baldurdash's fixpack

11 April 2005 - 02:54 PM

I think what Sir BillyBob meant to say was that Baldurdash-SoS (which isn't weidu) was exclusively designed for non-weidu SoS; so applying it to a weidu version of SoS could result in disaster (most likely I'd say btw).

In Topic: Missing Scimitar

24 October 2004 - 05:15 AM

AFAIK Chloe script prevents her from losing any of her weapons. Try giving her remaining sword to any other party member, she should create new versions of the weapons.

If all else fails, you can CLUA her scimitar. I don't have the code here tho.

In Topic: Near Infinity checks scripts

22 October 2004 - 03:20 PM

That was a good deal of information, thank you Mr. Guest.

I hoped to learn something useful about NI, scripts or anything related to the script search I made, without wasting anyone's time in excess. I could not thank you guys enought for answering in the thread and all the support provided (let alone the patience).

As for editing, currently I have a safe BG install with which I can mess without worries, so there is where I'm trying every change. I guess the best way to learn would be starting some mod myself for personal use, trial and error, and get hands to work.

Anyway, thanks for all your help and patience, this has been most instructive.

In Topic: Near Infinity checks scripts

22 October 2004 - 12:27 PM

That's possible I guess.
I have not found any area coded as outside tho, and as I said the areatype.ids just has outdoor.

Thanks for the answer anyway Stone Wolf!