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Kharon Amon

Member Since 23 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2011 01:59 AM

Topics I've Started

Annoying bug (?) with custom abilities

12 October 2011 - 03:41 AM

Hi, I recently finished my own kit but encountered a bug (well, I think it's a bug) with the custom abilities added by this kit: for some reason, an NPC using this kit can use my custom abilities twice per day instead of once per day. also, whenever the NPC leaves the party and then rejoins again, it gets another use per day permanently (so, theoretically, by leaving and rejoining a character can get an infinite number of uses per day). It only happens with my custom abilities; vanilla abilities, such as Barbarian Rage, work just fine and get the correct number of uses per day. This problem only occurs with NPCs. If the PC uses the kit, everything works great.

Does anybody have an idea how to fix it or why it happens?

Eye of Gruumsh kit

23 September 2011 - 01:59 PM

Hi, I just finished my Eye of Gruumsh kit for Baldur's Gate 2 that is meant to be a part of an NPC mod that will probably never be completed :)
I would like to hear some opinions, mainly regarding balance. I think this kit needs another crippling disadvantage but can't think of anything fitting. Also, feel free to correct my english if you find any mistakes, it's not my first language.

EYE OF GRUUMSH: This warrior is a savage favored by the orcish god Gruumsh. Through brute force and intimidation, the Eye of Gruumsh strives to please his dark god and carry out his will: culling the weak and expanding the territory of orc-kind. He is a true fanatic, as shown by his willingness to remove his right eye in a ritualistic sacrifice for the greater glory of Gruumsh. This deformity, however, does not hinder him in any way, for in return Gruumsh grants his true faithful gifts that more than compensate for the loss of a mere eye.
The Eye of Gruumsh shares his deity's burning hatred towards dwarves and elves. He is a master of the spear and battle axe, and does not believe in hiding behind shields - a fighting style which he deems cowardly.


- Immune to blindess.
- +3 to hit and damage vs. dwarves and elves.
- May use the Barbarian Rage ability once per day per seven levels.
- Upon reaching level 10, receives a permanent +1 bonus to maximum strength. An additional +1 bonus is gained at level 19.
- Upon reaching level 10, may cast All-seeing Eye of Gruumsh once per day. This ability lasts for one turn and acts as the True Seeing spell. In addition, any creature under the penetrating gaze of Gruumsh must save vs. spells each round or suffer a -1 penalty to Thac0, armor class and saving throws.
- May use the Orc Spawn abilty once per day. At level 1, the caster can summon a single orc warrior; At level 7, two orc warriors are summoned; At level 13, two orc warriors and an orc archer are summoned; At level 19, two orc warriors and two orc archers are summoned.


- Limited to standard specialization in any weapon except for spears and axes.
- Cannot put any points into the Sword and Shield fighting style.
- Must be half-orc.

If there's interest I can upload it.