Hi there!
Thanks to the folks who have resurrected and maintained this mod!
Having a few issues:
1) The pirate who tells me about Velvetfoot is a no-show at the city gates.
2) Academy of Kuldin - areas to which characters are teleported by the trap on the 3rd level are gated for 'whole-party only' exit, so once someone has been TP'ed, the party can not reunite save with use of the console.
3) Hlondeth - frequent crashes during Birmstone Bridge battle, but I was eventually able to complete it. However, I had to spawn the warehouse yuan-ti to progress the Blackadder Stew quest. After completion, I was attacked by Valiant when I entered his shop.
4) Secret Library - pool is clickable but unresponsive, zone can not be entered except via console
Holly the Elf, Melynda the Mute, "Got Ice" all worked fine.
For the Inheritance quest, Mekrath was already dead; I had to respawn him to get his book.
I'd upload my WeiDU log, but it's more than 30MB