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Member Since 23 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2004 01:38 PM

Topics I've Started

A small poem.

06 September 2004 - 11:10 AM

A small poem. "I'd be a tree."

Lie on your back
Lift up your arms
Close both your eyes

Let the sunlight play on your fingers

You have no horizon
You have never seen Earth
Reach for infinity

by André

Angelina Jolie - Kensai Mage

31 August 2004 - 12:18 AM

Hi everyone.  :)
Just finished my first character portrait and thought I'd 'share with the group'.

Bit of background on me - I spend 14 hours a day looking at pictures of Angelina Jolie, and about 20 minutes playing the Baldur's Gate series. When I ran across the following picture I yelled, "Eureka! Finally I can combine both my interests into one pleasurable activity."

Posted Image

Now if there are any girls out there thinking, "I cannot stand watching that big-lipped, botox-heavy b**** getting turned into a portrait!" this sketch is for you...

Posted Image

OK. Obviously her armourless athletic frame screams Kensai-Mage when you add the necklace into the equation. Next stop katanas... (hi'ya...)

Posted Image

Yes, I think they'll do nicely. (2 hours pass without me being able to get them to look even remotely realistic...)


Hey presto, Angelina Jolie the Kensai-Mage:

Posted Image

Hope somebody likes her, and I'm all for suggestions on how I could make this better. This is my first proper potrait-type pic, and I discovered several issues to think about.

(The blade is a section of a katana tip I got from the same site as the earlier picture. To make it 'golden' was a simple matter of upping the contrast and dropping the brightness in that layer from the original settings, and sending it to the back).

In the next two posts you will find the 110x170 and 38x60 versions, which I had to crop to avoid narrowing her too much. (Sorry, but my picture-host won't allow me to up .bmps. Both are 24-bit, as 8-bit isn't working for me at the mo...)

Please help with mod title...

26 August 2004 - 10:22 AM

Hi there, SConrad and I are about to start on the mod that kill's complaining after you reason with your NPCs.

What do you want it to be called?
I see most of the mods have quite pofessional names.
We want this to be professionally good, but what shall we call it?

So far:

Quit Yer' Complaining!

Please make it stop.

Everybody Be Cool B)

URN Charge (one of my worst efforts)

NPC Agree (stuck here now)

S-T-F-U (please?!)

The psiclops and SConrad Personality Realiser perhaps?

Help us! Protect us! You must take your brainwave to the Windspear Hills...

Quit Yer' Complaining

25 August 2004 - 06:14 AM

Quit Yer' Complaining   :angry:

Problem: NPCs complain +/ leave party the more you favour alignment extremes.

Solution 1: Deal.

Solution 2: Remove complaining.

Proposed Solution:

Neutral NPCs initiate a dialogue with CHARNAME shortly after they hit their threshholds, and together you agree that it'll be much better for everyone if they stop complaining all the time. Switch their complaining off, and replace it with their happy sounds.

Possible extension:

Evil or good NPCs can be reasoned, bargained, coerced, threatened into following the party into an alignment shift - they then stay in your party, and either complain or are happy (choose at install). This would have to initiate at the complaint stage too, to pre-empt the party break-up.

Reason for existence:

- A subtler complaint remover that uses the old sounds, and doesn't alter the mechanics by removing them entirely.
- Daily unanswered complaining makes no sense imho.

Potential problem:

Complaining is all or nothing by necessity  :(

What are your stats IRL?

25 August 2004 - 03:13 AM

As the title says... stats IRL... what are yours? Mine are:

STR: 18/92
DEX: 19
CON: 14 (I'm a smoker)
INT: 24
WIS: 19
CHA: 22 :D

What's really cool is that my innate casting time and speed factors are both zero. I also have 50% magic resistance.

Such exceptional stats have allowed me to become a multi-classed human Kensai/Cleric/Thief/Mage.

I don't have a big head about it though, because there's always someone better than yourself.