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The Wise Owl

Member Since 30 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2002 02:16 PM

Topics I've Started

Why the debates?

19 October 2002 - 10:57 PM

Quicth,Its your mod why don't you just do what you want with it.I understand that you want people's opinions but it really doesn't need to go further then that.If you want to make a romance then just change little pieces of the game,put something in the mod like "bhaal doesn't have genetic because he's a spiritual being rather then a human and thus the children aren't in any way related" or even better or worse depending on the way you look at it "Bhaal just waved his hand and made all of his priestess pregnant thus the resulting children are more like magical creations rather then real humans and thus have no genetic make up"( it might also explain why imoen has pink hair before hair coloring was invented).Or you don't have to make a romance and simply make a deeper friendship like you intended to to begin with.Look all i'm really trying to say is that you or anyone has to dig for tidbits of info when there aren't even enough relevent tidbits to fill a page.