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Member Since 10 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Oct 17 2004 01:14 AM

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In Topic: Imoen Relationship MOD

22 September 2004 - 03:39 AM

1) If you have such a strong opinion on an NPCs character, why not write a mod yourself? Odds are you won't find any mod created by another person that satisfies you, so why not see how many people agree with you? It's certainly more productive than complaining about how other people see the character. If your option is so rigid, why do you think you'll change the minds of other people?

2) If you're choosing not to download a mod because it might have the possibility of an NPC behaving in a manner you don't think is accurate, you're only denying yourself the enjoyment you'd get our of playing the mod. Quitch has said that Imoen won't be the agressor romantically, so you'd have to actually try to force the NPC to act in the way you don't like. That's like punching yourself in the face and complaining about the pain.

1If it where as easy as just writing the mod and making an item or two without coding I would of made quite a few mods by now, but sadly it is not.

2If I pick not to download a mod most likely I would not enjoy it so this point its moot.(I think thats the word I am going for.)

In Topic: Imoen Relationship MOD

20 September 2004 - 09:54 PM

Ok I just have to put in my two cents on this sorry for all who is sick of it but meh.
I say if it was in imoens character to get into a romantic relationship with the pc without a hellvia lot of work(Like trying to change who she basicly) I would not really care so much about imoen romances in mods, this mod seems cool but I will not download it on the grounds that it changed her character too much if a romance is invovled.

Hell chloes romance is more believable then a pc/imoen one.

I agree with the last guy who said this, imoen thinks of you as a brother.

In closing its not that fact that its morally wrong for this to happen its the fact that from what I have gathered from her character it wouldn't happen.

Imoen does indeed think of you as her half-brother/sister, as evidenced by her dialogue with Viconia. However, that exists in a world where Imoen is static. As soon as a mod introduces banter and dialogues between the PC and Imoen, this is a no longer true and Imoen's character can no longer be assumed to be seperate from the rest of the world. As long as her mind is open to others around her, it can be shaped, and when a mind can be shaped assumptions based on a static model are dangerous assumptions indeed.

Yes but take into consideration the fact that not all peoples minds can be shaped. Not everyone can be swayed from their way of thinking like myself, or at least I think of like myself, even if I could there have been people who could not be swayed. Really before you think to change a character from who she is to who you want her to be you should ask yourself do you really think shes they type to be swayed this way? In Imoens case I do not think she is.

I could see most of the other npcs doing that but not Imoen.