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Member Since 07 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Aug 21 2004 03:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Levelling up spell

11 August 2004 - 08:29 PM

Somewhy it doesn't work when I do it the same whay/ Maby I get mistaken at some point.

In Topic: Levelling up spell

10 August 2004 - 09:22 PM

to take a look at the CLAB files for various classes and

But i need a spell, not a class ability. Anyway there's nothing about that. I'll try to specify a question:

how should i make fireball which deals [char level]d6 of damage instead of 1d6 all of the time?

In Topic: Cutting abilities for kit

10 August 2004 - 09:18 PM

I has disabled casting and turning buttons at the pannel (by adding applied spells into the CLUB file - thouse from the inquisitor)
But there is a one more problem: whatever i do i cant disable the cleric book screen. If anyone has a spell to do this, then please post here

In Topic: Levelling up spell

09 August 2004 - 08:01 PM

What i need is "lay hands" spell which damages instead of healing

My first idea was to do so:
layer1: first level spell do 2 damage
layer2: second level spell do 4 damage
layer3: third level spell do 6 damage
layer4: fourth level spell do 8 damage and so on
but that just do not seem to work....
the thecond thing i'v thought about was a layhands.2da (or something near that) file wich i've found - but i've got no idea of how schould it be writen or connected to spell

In Topic: Mods that SHOULD NOT be done

07 August 2004 - 08:49 PM

a "Planescape:Envy" mod wich adds a set of full plates usable by Morte only (they get attached by ropes actually)

One more greate thing would be allowing PC to clone Jon's wife with warious stats and classes as joinable NPC. Then if PC has 5 of them in the party at the final battle, Jon refuses to fight and allows them to slay him...

A mod in which Aerie stops complaining and finally just get's it over with and kills herself - at which point the Ilithids come out of hiding and appologize for years of atrocities. Her incesant whining annoyed them so much on a psychic level that they were just striking out randomly trying to stop it. They're not evil, just misunderstood (and sorry about the whole brain eating thing, but they sure are tastey. No, really Just ask Hannibul he'll tell you!)

That cann't be too hard - just a new option in her banter and some scripting... hmm... should try

The Clone Dynaheir mod, where you use Jon's machinery to clone Dynaheir from a few skin cells on an article of clothing (!) Minsc had hidden somewhere (!!).

Hey anybody, remind me what stats she had?