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Member Since 03 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2012 11:29 AM

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In Topic: when do the cutscene to the 'throne of bhaal start'?

19 June 2012 - 05:56 AM


In Topic: when do the cutscene to the 'throne of bhaal start'?

19 June 2012 - 05:39 AM

fantastic, it worked. Talked to wizard og and spawned somewhere else...nice.

In Topic: when do the cutscene to the 'throne of bhaal start'?

19 June 2012 - 04:02 AM

Any ideas?

In Topic: when do the cutscene to the 'throne of bhaal start'?

19 June 2012 - 01:40 AM

Something happened in the 'temple of rillifane' back then...I just walked out and when I came back in the temple all the elves was gone. I think.

Outside of the temple is Reirra that says the avatar has released the guardians spirits - go help the queen...

Also...I had to use the MoveToArea to get into the elven city again.

In Topic: when do the cutscene to the 'throne of bhaal start'?

19 June 2012 - 12:51 AM

In my C:\BI\BIG World Old Files there's a folder named 'TDD', but when I click the walkthrough.jpg in that folder it doesn't look familiar.

I can't remember what I did after talking to Ellesime...did I just walk out? it's months since I was there..

What to do?