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Member Since 02 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2011 03:44 PM

Topics I've Started

problem... and hello!

02 September 2011 - 01:38 PM

well... i've been around so long doing mega mod installs i cant remember...
ive always come here to read threads and learn how to get the compilations to work,
never had to write, because u always have a reply adressing issues or fixes etc.

but here i find myself with a half installed BIG WORLD and i dont know what to do.

the thing is i already downloaded all available mods with the BWS but some arent there and i cant find
the exact versions of some like CtB for example... are they dead or is it something that im missing.
also the updated links of the BWS are all dead so im missing like 9 or 10 mods
here is the list>

Check the Bodies (CtB) v1.12a: The Mod itself (CtBv1.12a.rar)
Secret of Bone Hill (Dialog-Patch) v2.45: The Mod itself (Bonehill_v245.rar)
Ajantis BG1 Expansion v2.1: The Mod itself (AjantisBG1_v2_1.zip)
Ascalons Breagar v5.13: The Mod itself (Breagar-5.13.zip)
Tales of Anegh (ToA) v2.0: The Mod itself (Tales_of_Anegh-2.0.rar)
Adalon's Blood - Silberdrachenblut v9: The Mod itself (AdalonsBlood-v9.zip)
Boards o' Magick Item Pack (BoM Item Pack) v2.0: The Mod itself (BoM_Item_pack.rar)
Improved Volcano! (Pack for ToB) v2.0: The Mod itself (Volcano_Pack.zip)
RPG Dungeon Item Pack (RItemPack) v2: The Mod itself (RItemPackV2.exe)
Return to Trademeet Item Pack (RTT Item Pack) v1.2: The Mod itself (RTTItemPack_v1.2.zip)
Mersetek le Joaillier v1.2: The Mod itself (Mersetek_v1.2.zip)
Genwas Haendlermod (Djinmod) v1: The Mod itself (Haendlermod.rar)
Nikitalleria NPC (Nikita) v1.01: The Mod itself (Nikita101.rar)
Touchstone NPC (Touch-The-Moon) v1.0: The Mod itself (TouchstoneV1.0.zip)
Alcool v0.9: The Mod itself (Alcool_v0.9.zip)
Shed's Mods - A Forgotten Wars Mod v1.01: The Mod itself (Shed\'s Mods 1.03.exe)
Au service d'Oghma v1.5: The Mod itself (ThOghma_v1.5.zip)
Improved Summons v2.02: The Mod itself (Improved_Summons.rar)
Jarls BGT Tweak Pack v1.3: The Mod itself (JA_BGT_Tweak-1.3.rar)
BGT NPC Portraits v1.8: The Mod itself (NPC_PORTRAITS_V1.8.rar)

plz if u could go posting links to them even if it is one maybe we can get em all on a list

and i dont have the words to thank u for your hard work and time invested in this great game
but still u have my thanks!
