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Member Since 27 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2011 06:49 AM

Topics I've Started

Error: No translation provided for @0

26 November 2004 - 11:54 PM

So, Chloe setup and tp2 are in the root BG 2 folder, her files are in the Chloe file, and every other Weidu mod I've been installing has no problems. Using version 165; I'm recovering after a HDD crash.

Unfortunately, Chloe won't install. After selecting language 0 for English, I receive two error messages:

Error: No translation provided for @0
Error: problem parsing .tp file [chloe.tp]: not_found.

Fatal error: not_found.

Well, it's right there in the directory. I suppose I may have a corrupt download, but otherwise I am baffled as to why this puppy won't install.

-- Mal