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Member Since 28 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 15 2011 05:22 PM

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OS crash after reboot, help!!!

08 September 2011 - 06:50 PM

Hardware, thinkpad x200s
OS, WIN7 32bit professional

I have install BWP four times these days, but the lastest one cause my OS crash, and could not startup, a blue screen when boot it!!!

First and second, I manually download mod and mannual unzip to BG2, then run bat file to install it, but after that, my game crash when I goin to Nashkel.

The third time I give up some mod, and setup up mannual instead of the bat file. Install seems ok, I have pass the Nashkal. But begin from the Nashkal mine, my game seems have some lag when pick up something or under combat even spell magic etc., under big combat(under clockwood mine level2) issue is very obvious, I try many things to avoid it, such as give up the container's, let arrows, positions stack small, give up all mod items, close the Anti virus software, update the display card driver, reconfig BG, even every method metioned in this topic. But lag still exist, only lower down the frame rate seems a little improve the lag, I change the rate to 20, but this seriously impact the game quanlity, I uninstall the game again, and want to use BWP auto setup...

Tragedy occured this morning:

The fouth time,
1. I uninstall BG2, delete the BG2 folder again.
2. Full Install SOA and TOB, patch 26498.
3. Download BWP setup latest version.
4. Copy it to BG2 folder, and double click it to install.
5. I selete "recommanded" config, and remove all NPC mod(I want to solo first to test, so NPC is not need for me this time.) some mod such as: TDD, dark side of sword coast, tweaks, rogue rebalancing etc. All mod is green colored, I check again, then test the connect, seems ok, I click "continue", then begin the download.
6. After download, I close windows fire wall, check DVD-ROM(Daemon) is empty, close anti-virus software, close all other runing program. even close wifi.
7. close setup GUI, then the install begin, it seems ok, but when I came back to see the screen about half and 1 hour, the console prompt me as if "Install should continue after reboot.[Y]es or [N]", I key in "Y" to console, it's promopt as if "save and close all other running programes", I press enter, the OS restart.
8. When restart, an blue screen with serious issue occured, then laptop restart again, I choose "start nomally" again, issue same with before, restart automatic again, then I tryed "safe mode","lastest correct configration", GOD!, my laptop can't enter windows now!!

Anyone can help me?

Crash when enter Nashkel

03 September 2011 - 08:07 PM

After second time install, the same problem occured, so any suggestion.

Below are mod choosed,

Alternatives was found
Amber was found
Aurora was found
Baldur's Gate Trilogy was found
BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters was found
BG1 Unfinished Business was found
BG1NPC Music Pack was found
BG1NPC Project was found
BG2 Fixpack was found
BG2 Tweaks was found
BGT-NPCSound-WeiDU was found
BGT-WeiDU Tweakpack BGTTweak was found
BP_BGT_Worldmap was found
Dark Side of the Sword Coast was found
Ding0's Experience Fixer was found
Divine Remix was found
Gavin was found
Generalized Biffing was found
Item Pack by Daulmakan was found
Item Revisions was found
One Pixel Productions was found
One Pixel Productions Avatar Fixes was found
One Pixel Productions Female Dwarves was found
One Pixel Productions Thieves Galore was found
Refinements was found
Restored Prologue Textscreen Music was found
Rogue ReBalancing by aVENGER was found
Solaufein NPC was found
Song and Silence was found
Spell Revisions was found
Sword and Fist was found
Tales of Anegh was found
The Darkest Day was found
The Grey Clan Episode I: In Candlelight was found
The Lure of the Sirine's Call was found
The Stone of Askavar was found
Thrown Hammers was found
Unfinished Business for BGII was found
Unique Containers was found

after install, one mod install failed.

BGT-NPCSound-WeiDU was not installed

Improved Horns of Valhalla (not compatible with Item Revisions)
Spell-50 (conceptually not compatible with Spell Revisions;
may not be compatible with Improved Summons)

Attached is my WEIDU.log. Baldur.err has no error logged.