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el niko

Member Since 28 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 12 2011 01:33 AM

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In Topic: Oh where - Oh where has saverok gone...

07 September 2011 - 09:55 PM

Yes, i've used the Big world guide for my install. Tried the auto installer, but it didn't work as some links were dead. So i got pissed off and decided to do a manual install, so that i would have the last version of the mods.

The auto installer( BiG World Installpack ) and the auto setup(BWS) are two different things. The auto setup is not updated, but the installer is ...

Great info.
I guess you're referring to this file ? As i understand, it's a .bat that runs the installation automatically, following BWP order ? Then :

1. It's a great tool, and i've been looking for something similar (though i didnt dream it would be such an advanced tool !)
2. It might be made more obvious that this one is updated. I spent quite a lot of time reading the megamods topics, and i wasnt able to find this tool. As all the guides i found were describing the auto-setup. As it's not updated, i thought the only way was manual install.

as the Fixpack is a .bat, i couldn't uninstall it.

Yes, but that's because you won't be doing any uninstalling of it, as if it runs as it's supposed, the files altered are not in the game yet, but in the to be installed mods.

Wait... Does this means that the fixpack is supposed to be run BEFORE installing the mods ?   :doh:  I used to run it at the end. I think i got confused with the fixpack hotfixes...

So i guess that my install is screwed, and that next time, i'd better use the install pack to get everything in order, am i correct ?

Last question : Regarding the Fixpack itself : is this the last version ? The readme is still referring to SCS v14 - i'd like to hope that only the readme is outdated :)

Thanks a lot for your help !

In Topic: Worried about overpowerd items upsetting game balance in BWP

07 September 2011 - 12:12 AM

If you're playing BWP with tactical or expert mod set, then overpowered items will be eventually balanced by overpowered enemies later in game. However there's not much of such an enemies in BG1 part of BWP, with the exception of Sisters A Little perhaps, so selling/dumping unbalanced items is good idea. I would advice you to avoid using BWP Balancer however as it makes way too much of arbitrary changes to the game, or at least read it's readme carefully before applying.

Is there any released version of BW-Balancer ? I couldn't find any.

I have BP-Balancer, but i don't think you are referring to this one (as there's basically nothing in the readme...)

In Topic: Oh where - Oh where has saverok gone...

07 September 2011 - 12:03 AM

~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ #0 #0 // Generalized Biffing: v2.2
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #150 // Pit Fiends -> All get the NWN animation: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #230 // Cambion/Isair Animation -> Some cambions: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #280 // Alu-Fiend/Madae Animation -> Some alu-fiends: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #410 // Skeleton Warriors -> Barrow Wight animation: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #450 // Seer Animation -> Some beggars and slaves: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #710 // More Planescape: Torment Animations -> 25% of relevant non-joinables: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #7000 // Moinesse's Avatars for IA -> 25% of relevant non-joinables: v5
~INFINITYANIMATIONS/SETUP-INFINITYANIMATIONS.TP2~ #0 #9000 // Fix Areas -> Creature References: v5

This is bad... in that the animations will cause small lag, not that it's causes anything else... but what screen resolution do you use ?
As you don't have the Widescreen mod.

Well, for the resolution, i use an old skool 800 x 600. Doesn't really bother me as i've got a small laptop (12" screen).

I have no lag until now. I've added the infinity animations last as i thought it would solve a CTD in high hedge (when skeleton spawns). I later learnt that it was due to Item Rev v2 (there was a hotfix but i didn't notice it, probably wasn't mentioned in BWS guide)

And the install order, it looks like you have definitely used the BWS as your guide, but why haven't you used the BiG World Fixpack ?

Yes, i've used the Big world guide for my install. Tried the auto installer, but it didn't work as some links were dead. So i got pissed off and decided to do a manual install, so that i would have the last version of the mods.

The first time i did an install (before that one), BiG World Fixpack hanged during install. Afterwards, BGMain.exe wouldnt start and as the Fixpack is a .bat, i couldn't uninstall it. Besides, I hadnt any error message during install of all the other mods so i assumed (maybe wrongly) that the fixpack destroyed my installation - and vowed never to install it again.

Note that i didnt try to start BGMain.exe before the fixpack (once after BGT and that's all). I was new to BG mods, so i didnt know any better :). So it might be that the Fixpack was innocent afterall.

I'm gonna try to install the Fixpack to see if it fixes that crash. Anyway my game is screwed, so it can hardly get worse. I'll make a copy of my directory pre-fixpack just in case. Will post the result.

In Topic: Oh where - Oh where has saverok gone...

04 September 2011 - 11:35 AM

Well, sorry for the necro, but i have exactly the same crash than the OP - When arriving in Candlekeep prison :

The error proceeded as follows:

  • The first person(forget name) would come visit me in the jail cell in Candle keep.
  • He leaves
  • I get a error with a Bam file.
  • Game crashes.

Here's the exact error message, and then Baldur.err / .log & Weidu.log.

Any hint on how to salvage the situation (well, rather than teleporting to the final fight...) ?

Attached File  error.png   7.81K   209 downloads



Weidu.log :

I do have a savegame just prior the crash in case more details are needed

Attached File  WeiDU.log   40.9K   161 downloads

I had to teleport once already, but in a non storyline quest (Durlag tower, to get to the chessboard), so it shouldnt have any impact on my current situation (i suppose). But well, i thought i'd mention it (for completeness sake)

In Topic: Worried about overpowerd items upsetting game balance in BWP

28 August 2011 - 01:08 AM

Those items are added by the DSotSC mod, which is quite famous for its uber items.

Simple solution : resist the temptation to use the items (and breaking your game) by selling them next time you pass by a merchant.

If you're not sure whether an item is original or modded, use the following detection method :
1. Bonuses out of touch with what you currently have  
2. Typos (English, capitalization / punctuation)

BWP Balancer is trying to solve some of these problems, but it's still a WIP.