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Member Since 25 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2002 02:18 AM

Topics I've Started

PlayDead scripting

10 October 2002 - 09:17 AM

I've been playing with PlayDead(time) but I can't get it to work how I want it to, which is to have the character drop as if dead and then be ignored by the beasties.

I want to script a character to fake his own death convincingly so that he will be left alone for at least a few seconds, but can't seem to get it to happen the way I want. It doesn't bother me if the character can still be hit by area effects while playing dead, I just don't want him hit by melee or ranged weapons.

Has anyone else played with this one or have any ideas?

Making Kits

02 October 2002 - 12:12 PM

Anyone got anyplace to steer me to start on a new kit? I am not sure whether I will make it playable yet.

I want to make it so I can control the innate ability progression in a new npc I am working on.

Or perhaps is this the wrong way to go about it?

More soundset questions

02 October 2002 - 12:08 PM

Made a soundset for kicks. It was fun, but now I want to clean it up a bit. Those of you who have done one or more before, do you have any tools to recommend?

Incidentally the soundset is for a *seriously* evil PC fighter type which I am working on when not overly busy with other stuff. I am planning - though this might not be the best way to do this - to make a kit only for him. It will basically be a port of the Shadowknight class from Everquest - not an anti-paladin, but a frontline fighter with various disabling and injurious spell-like abilites.

Soundset Numbering Question

27 September 2002 - 12:11 PM

I see that the soundset numbering scheme for voices goes 0-9, _, a-z.  I have a soundset that I can't listen to in Windows Media Player or mp3 player - does anyone have a how-to for voices that shows where the 'attack' 'select' 'hit', etc., sounds go in the numbering sequence so I can get actions to correspond to sounds?  Right now they are screwy.