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Member Since 25 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2002 02:18 AM

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In Topic: Valen Romance

29 October 2002 - 04:27 PM

A better question would be; Do you still have plans for adding dialoge and a hell summon for Valen in TOB?

Romance... Redemption....

As much as I enjoy Valen as a character... She's a vampire... Not only that, but she's a cold blooded killer.  In my mind, someone this evil wouldn't even consider a romance. (and the fact that your group is evil for having Valen in the party would make the PC evil as well.  If not you're just cheesing the game.)  The PC being evil would NOT trust Valen at the end of a leash let alone in a romance.  Redemption... Why?  Part of what makes Valen so interesting is the FACT she is so evil.  (and yes, I know this has been debated over long and hard, but... It's almost common sense factors at play here.  Not to mention I would rather see Valen have continued dialoge in TOB rather then nit picking the idea's of wether to romance/redeem her   :rolleyes: )  Just my opinion as always.

My PCs are usually TN or evil.  I don't enjoy playing goodie-goodies, I find my options too constrained.  I like that Valen ends up making her party behave more evilly ...  romancing a vampire, though, has a way of being unhealthy.

So please add her to Fate Spirit so I can stop CLUAing her in ;-)  Bu tI don't see a great need for a Valen romance.

In Topic: Bug - please help

23 October 2002 - 09:41 AM

You may be stuck, then.

I am not absolutely positive that it's Tashia that caused the loops I had trouble with - one in hell, one just before tree of life, one at the end of TOB - but when I don't install Tashia, I don't have the problem.

So, much as I liked Tashia, I don't have her mod installed anymore.

I think I also did a nasty sort of workaround, and I think it worked, but I don't remember for sure. It's not nice, though: I killed her at the Tree of Life before fighting Iren.

In Topic: Bug - please help

23 October 2002 - 07:42 AM

I had that problem, so I just ditched Tashia before going to hell. It sucked but I couldn't see another way to do it, and that worked for me.

In Topic: Tahia took off :(

23 October 2002 - 07:41 AM

...in which it impossible to get from point A to point B without first going through points D, E, and F. ;-)

I never ever walk when my characters are in that map, it's just too annoying.

In Topic: PlayDead scripting

21 October 2002 - 09:25 AM

Completely revamped my Feign Death spell, and made it in a innate ability as opposed to a scripted one.

There are no visible effects other than the invisibility (heh), but the (playable) NPC using the ability is rendered invisible, non-detectable, and unconscious while they regenerate a portion of their HP %. The beasties will leave them alone.

Now, I have one more question. Aside from CTRL-R, is there any way to remove all three effects from an unconscious NPC on command? I want to figure out if I can make him stand up at will from prone position.

Haven't thought of a way to do this yet.