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Member Since 30 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 20 2013 05:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

08 April 2012 - 11:28 AM

Here's how I see it.

During these 12 years since BG was released, the people behind those mods made one hellova' job to make the best possible complete game of all time. And, so far, IMO, they have succeeded. So, let's assume this is one side of the coin.

The other side of the coin will naturally be what the new BGEE will look like. They can fix, change, modify, balance, nerf, add whatever the hell they want, hell they can even make the game grow its own christmas tree next to Frendly Arm Inn, but the final decision on whether to buy it or not will rest upon whether BGEE satisfies or more likely dissatisfies the hardcore fan of BG series. In case of the former, then no worries, hats off, here's your money. In case of the latter, I'll just shrug my shoulders, say "Oh, well" and go back to playing the original, which I believe is what most of you consider of doing. I'm still rooting for them, though. Reviving a game is always a good thing. -.-

In Topic: Favorite Baldur's Gate Antagonist

07 April 2012 - 02:15 AM


Why? I felt he has a deeper story than that of Sarevok's. I mean Sarevok is pretty cool and wants to become a god and all that, but I felt the struggle of Jon trying to at first deny his gift and his power and then turn it into so much more. Yes, he did fail, but he did it with flair. It's one thing to become a god when you're his progeny, it's another when trying to do it having no relations to said god at all. I believe that if Jon was maybe also one of Bhaal's children, then he would have succeeded, and that the protagonist would have to kill him in order to restore peace or something. Also, love his mask. As if to hide facial expressions beneath it.

And, I'm biased towards magic, so... :D