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Member Since 26 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2011 10:57 AM

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In Topic: Minimum Requirements Are Not Met - no mods - help!

05 September 2011 - 02:36 PM

About the missing files:
If you add a space after line 12 SET MOD=.exe echo, the batch should have displayed things correctly.

By space you mean additional line (one more "enter"), right? If so - the problem didn't disappear...:(

About the text:
If someone copies and then translates the text from the BiG World Installpack\English/German/Spanish/Russian and sends them to Leonardo, it will be placed in you BiG World Installpack\[your language folder].

So talks about English since it's lacking a Polish translation.

If I understand it correctly, you refer to the installation notifications like press (E)nglish to choose English, or ... (S)tandard for standard version, am I right? Just the "user interface", nothing more. Hm... maybe I will take another look into this and translate it.

The logic about selecting languages is taken from the tra.txt. You can see that the file from the English and Polish folder differ. BGT has BGT=0 N or BGT=7 N. So it installs 0 in native language if you select English or 7 (native) if you select Polish.

Is there any way to "force" the Big World Install.bat to chose only Polish translations? I can't get through it - it says "Language: english only" - it's quite disappointing

Many thanks for all information!

In Topic: Minimum Requirements Are Not Met - no mods - help!

03 September 2011 - 12:05 PM

Okay, I finally came to the point where I can launch BWP!

I needed to overwrite the bgmain.exe file with the one from the cd version (but the "classic-classic" one, with 4 + 1 CD's).
Since then the installation process went fine. Unfortunately (for me at least) the only install option was English, but I suspect that if I were to overwrite *.tra files from English folder with those from Polish one it would work fine in Polish (of course, only some mods would be affected). Still, it would be nice to have working installer without complications and problems like "minimum requirements are not met <free space, no lines> etc.

Thanks for your help.

In Topic: Archive bws_link.7z unfindable

02 September 2011 - 01:02 PM

Error 503 : Service Temporarily Unavailable

In Topic: Minimum Requirements Are Not Met - no mods - help!

02 September 2011 - 10:02 AM

latest news...
file bgmain.exe is the same on my ("remastered" so to speak) dvd version as in cd one...

In Topic: Minimum Requirements Are Not Met - no mods - help!

02 September 2011 - 09:00 AM

I don't get it...
The installation went so-so well but there were some errors that referred to bgmain filesize

TobEx EXE patch: Target bytes don't match, aborting...
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: [bgmain.exe] -> [bgmain.exe] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("TobEx EXE patch: Target bytes don't match, aborting..."))
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

after the whole process was completed... I wasn't able to run the game to check if anything works.

On one of the Polish forums I got the clue that I should replace my bgmain.exe file with the one that is on CD-version (as I said, I have a DVD compilation...) since some mods may have problems with installation.

Eh... If I knew it before I would try with this thing from the beginning and didn't waste whole day/night cycle to install BWP.

Anyway, I attach my Big World Debug file - if someone would be so kind to take a look at it and share opinions I would be grateful.
