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Dark Phantom

Member Since 24 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2009 03:52 PM

Topics I've Started

A technical question

01 July 2003 - 11:27 AM

As I continue to debug my mod, Weidu keeps throwing headaches at me. I have not heard from the guys that were going to debug for me in some while, so have to ask: Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this script? I am sure it is something I will slap myself for missing, but I can not find it.

IF ~Global("JunaBought","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN Junagiven
SAY ~something~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~CreateCreature("Juna", [1483.513], 0)~EXIT //these numbers are from NI

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN BhodiJuna1
SAY ~something~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~ClearAllActions()
END //weidu claims the error is here

IF ~GLOBAL("JunaRomanceActive",GLOBAL,2)
!Dead("Juna")~ THEN GOTO BhodiJuna1

Help, please

23 May 2003 - 11:44 AM

can anybody tell me what is wrong with this code?   Weidu keeps claiming that there is an errer on line 12.  I have looked at everything up to line 12, and I can not see the problem.


IF ~IsGabber("Player1")~ THEN BEGIN Rejoin
SAY ~Well, , it appears I am...changed. I feel power...great power...~
= ~..but not enough to break the curse of slavery.  Shall I rejoin you, evil one?~
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Yes, yes.  Get in line and shut up, slave. It might be interesting to see what changes were made... in bed, that is...~ GOTO Inparty
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~I raised you, and will be back. I have stuff I must attend to, and have no desire for some foolish vampire (just yet).~ GOTO WillBeBack
IF ~~ THEN REPLY  ~No, I free you now: I just wanted you back in the realm of the living. Go cause trouble, little whore!~ GOTO GetYeGone

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Inparty
        IF ~~ THEN SAY ~Yes, ~ DO ~JoinParty()~     (This is line 12 in my script)

A question or three

10 May 2003 - 04:05 PM

allright, i have been looking, but can not find the answer to these Questions:

1: Can I call a script from a dialouge file?   if so, how?   I know you can a cutsceene, can you any script?

2: I am trying to figure out the return of a romanced charecter at the temple of Amunator.   What triggers would I have to use in this?  

3: And, I can not find a dialouge file for the last fight with Bhodi, so do nto know how to get the vampire/loved one (More exactly Juna as a Vampire) into that fight.   Can anyone help me, if I am making any since?

Can someone direct me too....

08 May 2003 - 01:42 PM

I want to make a few scripts, but do not know how.   can someone direct me to a sight with such information?  I looked, and looked, on the search engines but could nto find one.

a file Question

06 May 2003 - 10:07 PM

I have, pretty much, gotten the hang of WEIDU, but I have a question.   What file Would I put extend_Bottem  to non Player Charecters (I mean here, non joining NPC's) into? Would this go into the .tp2?  Or would it (They) go into there own file?  or do they go in the barter file for my NPC?   I can not seem to find the answer to this in the readme.   Or would I use extend at all?

I seek to add text, and player responses, to the lehtin.dlg (Lethenin) and the madam.dlg (Madam Nin) files, if that helps at all.