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Member Since 21 Jul 2004
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Topics I've Started

Animations, Tiles and Portraits

04 April 2005 - 07:38 PM

This announcement is for those of you who do not read the WTP forum.

One of the primary goals of the WTP (World Transition Project) is to try and bring the IE modding community closer together. In accordance with this regretfully unorthodox view of modding, We have, and will continue to provide resources for modders.

The WTP home page is located at the following adress.


Through which our community asset page can be reached. This aspect of the WTP has been referred to in the past by several names based on the information being exchanged;

WTP Mapshare program;

Currently consisting of a collection of rather large Diablo 2 "mega-tiles" generated from map segments used within the game.

We are currently working on setting up a collection of BMP map files from each of the infinity engine games, for those that do not have all of them readily available. 

WTP Portrait City;

The largest collection of portraits available. Collected tirelessly by Dragon_lord.

The WTP Item exchange;

We have currently cullected aproximately 1000 images for use in creating item packs, which can be converted to usable BAMs 'en mass for large item packs.

Now that I've completed our advertisement, We have some other projects in the work, and it's time to reach out to the community. We will shortly be looking for maps and tiles that anyone may wish to donate for the enrichment of the community.

Additionally I, personally, am in the process of converting approximately 40 creature animations from other games (currently from Ultima Online, Diablo, and Diablo 2).

The listing of creatures currently being converted can be found at:


If there are additional animations you would like to see converted please let us know. If we do not have the source game at our disposal the raw frames will have to be provided for us.

Item Makers Wanted

27 October 2004 - 01:12 AM

This advertisement is in conjunction with one of the World Transition Project Exchange programs. We have a vast collection of item graphics which will need to be converted to BAMs and made into items.

Terms and conditions

1) The creater of the items will be given credit for their effort.

2) All items are to be made at the discression of their creator.

3) Addition item categories will be included, information on these types will be provided to person(s) accepting the project.

4) All items created using the WTP cache will be shared the WTP project.

5) After completion the item creator is encouraged to release these items as a standard BG2 item pack, but is requested to credit WTP by indicating that the pack was produced as part of the WTP exchange program.

The Goal of the World Transition project is to create a completely new world in which modmakers can work. In order to enrich the modding community, the WTP has several "Exchange" programs. In these programs varied required modding components are provided to modders for use in their projects under the condition that the results of this work is shared with the WTP.

Our current exchange programs are the Item Graphics Exchange Program, the map exchange program, and the spell and projectile graphics exchange program (Pending).

New NPC Ideas (satire)

13 October 2004 - 06:11 AM

I've been seeing all kinds of bizzare NPC ideas lately, so Ijust had to post this..

I think it would be great if someone made a new joinable PC, and I have a GREAT idea.

The NPC's father would be a vampiric-lycanthropic-illithid-dracolich

and it's mother would be drow.

she'll be a lawfull good paladin subclass that can only wear skimpy leather outfits that still have abnormally high AC even though their body is only about 5% covered. Her class will be Dominatrix of submission.

She'll have all of her own spells. she's get D/S spells upto level 10, B&D spells from level 11-20, and S&M spells from level 21-30, and BDSM spells from levels 31-50.

she's have a new weapon class called S&M gear, and will only be able to use weapons from this class. (floggers, cat-o-9-tails, whips, chains etc)

a new mage counterspell will be created called "safety word" which will negate all of her abilities until the next scene starts.

WTP: Community Participation

27 September 2004 - 10:08 PM

The idea behind the World Transition Project is community involvement. For the stage that I'll be entering shortly in the project I'll be needing a few novelty NPCs, so I'm putting up some adds for anyone that would like to toss a controbution into the mix.

If you have wanting to make a novelty non joinable NPC that needs a home let us know. Perodically I will be going around looking for simple NPCs from the comunity as a whole. With some of the more bizzare ones, I may even try to make it a competition.

At the moment, however, I'm looking for a few good village idiots.

For more information on the WTP, please visit our forum at http://forums.blackw...hp?showforum=55

Crypt Thing

22 September 2004 - 07:53 PM

Is there any possible way to craete an undead that will have a crypt thing's type of power? (randomly teleport the party away, and tell those remaining they were disintegrated) without doing it as a cutscene?