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Member Since 21 Jul 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2012 08:55 PM

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Tortured Souls 7.04 big problem

02 June 2012 - 11:05 AM

So I've been going through my BWP tactics game with a few problems here and there that I was able to fix with NearInfinity or Dltcep. Now however I'm at wits end with this one.

I'm almost done with TS mod, only the last map to go and the game crashes when trying to get from TT0306 to TT0307 (the last map where you fight Kachiko's relatives in the pit battles with the special katanas).

The maps have been changed for these two areas, don't know if this is intentional or not. TT0306 works ok. TT0307 had a lot of errors when I looked at it in Near Infinity, stuff like "container is off the map", missing items (they are in the TS folder but not in override or biffed). The containers are off the map because it is a new tiny map compared to the one from TS 6.0.

I downloaded TS 6.0 and copied the map, tis, wed, jpgs, etc. and put them in the override folder. Now the map loads, but there are huge graphical errors (like the ones from a bad video card interaction or a corrupted map) and it is unplayable.

In the end I could go to an earlier save and skip the TS quest entirely, but I've spent six weeks on this game and would like to finish it. Or just reinstall without TS...

I don't know if this an incompatability problem with the new TS, I had no problems up until this point. Either my install was messed up or nobody else has gotten to this point with the new BWP install.

Any ideas?

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