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In Topic: Trouble with BWP
23 August 2011 - 03:16 PM
In Topic: Trouble with BWP
23 August 2011 - 12:50 PM
When you have used the official "BioWare BG1-ToSC Patch" some BG1 files were deleted.
To correct this issue extract this package into the BG1 main directory to restore the files.
It could be that you have these files. This depends on which Baldur's Gate version you have buyed
and how this version was patched. In this case you don't need this package.
If you have questions, suggestions or problems, please contact us in the forum.
English Forum <http://www.shsforums...p?act=SF&f=193>
Version 1 (by Amodeus)
- Initial Release
Version 2 (30.03.2009 by Leomar)
- Repackaged for easier handling
- Added Readme
The patch comes in a .rar file, but in the .rar file is just a .exe. I can open the .exe file with WinRAR, but there's nothing to tell me where the files go once I do that so I can manually patch the client.
In Topic: Trouble with BWP
22 August 2011 - 11:41 PM
Erhm, the BW Fixpack doesn't need to be used before you start the .bat... as the BiG World Install.bat will use it, when it's exracted to the install folder.I use the fixpack after extracting but before using the install.bat.
I go to the install.bat, edit it so it doesn't point to the default path for BG1, then start the install.
Other than that, I cannot say what went wrong without having access to your BiG World Debug.txt file, that the install makes into your game directory. If you upload it to the forum here, I advice to put it into a .zip archive and upload that, as it will make it 10x - 100x times smaller.
Yeah, I actually noticed that but just decided to bash my head against the wall a bit more. As for the BiG World Debug.txt, this link should work:
Let me know if that doesn't work and thanks for taking a look.
Just added the file to an attachment on the forums.

In Topic: Trouble with BWP
22 August 2011 - 10:30 PM
When I begin the install with BG, I change the BG1 directory to C:\Games\Baldur's Gate and the BG2 directory to C:\Games\BGII - SoA.
After installing both, I use patches 5512 and 26498.
I start the game and load the saves that I made the very first time I tried to install for BG1, SoA, and ToB, hit Q on all 3 and then exit the game.
I start up BWP and go through all the motions of backing up, testing links, updating links, turning those path browsing buttons green, downloading the mods, manually downloading the mods that don't download, extracting all the mods to C:\Games\BGII - SoA and manually extracting the ones that didn't download correctly.
I use the fixpack after extracting but before using the install.bat.
I go to the install.bat, edit it so it doesn't point to the default path for BG1, then start the install.
It goes through a bunch of motions with me choosing options, then watch it copy and install stuff for a while until it says the path is invalid and for some reason points to C:/Games/Baldur's Gate even though I copied the path directly from my file folder.
I restart the installation twice and for some reason on the third try, it works and doesn't try to install to the wrong directory.
I then get lots and lots of errors for different mods. Some install correctly, others refuse to install for a multitude of reasons including it not being installed in BGT, a file missing, or what have you.
Finally, I try to see if the game at least works and it doesn't due to the reasons listed in the OP.
In Topic: Trouble with BWP
22 August 2011 - 10:13 PM
Also, if it helps, here's an SS of my BG1 directory:

And one of my BG2 directory:

Note the scroll bars. Also, thanks a lot to everyone for the help so far.
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