As the coding grinds down to a halt due to Ultrasound school, I was able to take some time to get some artwork for my modification.
I would like to share some of this artwork so that I might entice a few to lend me their opinions on what I do have.
These are B&W drafts but I like them all the same.
well here they are.
Ah yes, as to "why" I am doing this......
well I find that when other people are in communication with me the process does not seem so does not seem to be so far off.
The other two that offered to assist me have slackened in communication and well.....I will not bother them when life gets in the way.
On to the artwork.
The first is a flashback depicting the aftermath of Valygar (as a teen) having to kill his parents. This scene ties a great deal into my modification as Valygar is fleshed out considerably.
To the purists.......needless to say mrs. Corthala's phylactery was indeed destroyed but there is a twist that also has to deal with "how" Valygar could ever survive against a lich.

The second reveals the wedding of Keldorn and his wife Mariah.
I do not know if I break cannon, but I like the story behind it.
Those stories, and more for those who wish to lend their opinions to what I have.
Until later BG & PST fans.
Ever your humble servent.