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Member Since 15 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 01 2011 06:57 PM

Topics I've Started

Still workin on Al'bah

05 October 2011 - 05:57 PM

Hello again everyone.
As the coding grinds down to a halt due to Ultrasound school, I was able to take some time to get some artwork for my modification.
I would like to share some of this artwork so that I might entice a few to lend me their opinions on what I do have.
These are B&W drafts but I like them all the same.
well here they are.

Ah yes, as to "why" I am doing this......
well I find that when other people are in communication with me the process does not seem so tortureous.....it does not seem to be so far off.
The other two that offered to assist me have slackened in communication and well.....I will not bother them when life gets in the way.

On to the artwork.
The first is a flashback depicting the aftermath of Valygar (as a teen) having to kill his parents. This scene ties a great deal into my modification as Valygar is fleshed out considerably.
To the purists.......needless to say mrs. Corthala's phylactery was indeed destroyed but there is a twist that also has to deal with "how" Valygar could ever survive against a lich. ;)

The second reveals the wedding of Keldorn and his wife Mariah.
I do not know if I break cannon, but I like the story behind it.

Those stories, and more for those who wish to lend their opinions to what I have.
Until later BG & PST fans.
Ever your humble servent.

Al'bah = Bhaal

15 August 2011 - 09:38 PM

Perhaps it is hard to take a new person seriously.
But, no matter the situation I find myself in. I always show people where I stand.
I love BG II. I love PS Torment. And after playing both for so long, (since the 90's) I started to write a script for a mod that is now finished.

In reality, there is a good chance that nothing will come out of this.
But hell, if duke nukem could come out after so long. Who knows?

To that end, here is my proposal; I could use a few people to read a few of my scripts.
They will be mostly BG II party interjections. I want to know if what I have written seems "in character"

But here is a bit of what/who Al'bah is. Revealed by a disciple of Oghma, speaking to (CHARNAME)

"the loss of your foster father caused a great deal of strain on your soul if not outright damage.
Then came the loss of your fallen comrades, torture, and most recently the loss of your only family; Imoen.
All this pain, and suffering threatened to destroy your soul.
Your divine heritage responded to all this damage in the only way it knew how to repair a soul so damaged, by creating a new life-force....within you."

"(CHARNAME) it is not an easy thing to damage a soul considering they were made to last forever.
And it is almost impossible to effect the repair of one so damaged.
Your divine essence created this life-force because you believed, consciously or not, that is what it would take to ensure your survival, and it's own."

The entire script for BG II and TOB is finished. And now I set to the task to learn how to (gulp!) code it.
I do not ask for anyone else to do so for me.
Just a few people to read what I have written, and to share their thoughts.
thank you.