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Member Since 15 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 24 2013 05:08 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Entry Keys [spoiler]

26 January 2013 - 10:40 AM

Lol you can disregard my prior post.  Looking up-thread to erebusant's earlier post I now realize he did provide the exact names of the necessary items:  'Rusted Dagger' and 'Ring from the Grave'.


Sleep old thread.....return to your sluuuuuuuuuumber.....

In Topic: Entry Keys [spoiler]

26 January 2013 - 10:13 AM

I know I'm performing thread necromancy on an epic scale here but I'm coming back to the Fields of the Dead quest line after having cleared these maps many months ago.  There is pretty much no way I'm going to find the ring and dagger (though the dagger might be on the altar IIRC) on the loot remains of the corpses I have scattered across the three or four maps involved here.


Does anyone have the item codes for the ring and the dagger necessary to unlock the druid ring?  Or can you at least provide the exact item names so I can look up the item codes in ShadowKeeper?


Thanks in advance!

In Topic: NearInfinity

04 February 2012 - 10:49 PM

Ok, after spending a few hours (and a lot of reloading my back ups some .2DA files) I was able to get lightning bolt successfully added to my Stormlord of Talos like I wanted.

It looks like the attacks/round issue with specialization is hard coded into the IE engine so I'm going to pass on that one for awhile.

However, I do see a spell effect for 'Modify number of attacks(1)'. How could I, say at level 7, apply a spell effect to a kit that added 1 to its number of attacks per round? I'm sure there is at least one spell effect that already does this, I'm just not sure how to find it so that I can assign to the kit (ninja kit btw). I thought about looking at haste but what I'm trying to do is a little different than haste; I just want to add 1 to the kit's number of attacks per round at a specific level by applying a .spl to it.

Does anyone know a .spl that does? I'm running Big World Project v9.10.


In Topic: NearInfinity

03 February 2012 - 03:43 PM

Greetings all,

I am extremely happy to see a BG-related forum with recent activity. I've been a huge fan of the Big World Project but now I want to try my hand at modding some of the character kits with NearInfinity.

Examples of some stuff I'd like to try:

1. Change which kits give weapon specialization, and have the game actually recognize this when I change it. Some of the kits with Big World Project say that they give weapon specialization but it doesn't actually affect their number of attacks. I'd like to try to use NI to change that.

2. Add spells to certain kits. Specifically I'd like to add lightning bolt to the Stormlord of Talos kit.

Does anyone have any guidance for how I could go about making kit changes such as these with NI? If there is a better forum for this question just let me know and I'll post there too.
