Member Since 09 Aug 2011Offline Last Active Sep 05 2011 12:38 PM
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Not able to sell Wyvern Heads at Lathander
04 September 2011 - 06:10 AM
At Keldath in the main temple and no matter what character has the wyvern heads or how many (dropped excess on the ground), they are unavailable/grayed out to sell. Any ideas? Coran is not in my party just so you know.
BGT 1.12 installation problems.....
09 August 2011 - 03:33 PM
Hi everyone. First, as a precursor, I want to apologize if this is on the forums already. I have searched high and low on this forum and a few others and have not come up with the solution to my problem. So hopefully, the members here might know something and/or be able to help.
Following the guide http://www.spellhold...e/BGTReadme.htm I ran into the following problem:
"Invalid Baldur's Gate directory, or incorrect Baldur's Gate installation.
It is safe to abort this installation by closing this window, or
pressing Ctrl+Break three times.
Enter the full path to your Baldur's Gate installation
then press Enter.
I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate x64: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.
Step 1: I installed BG/BG - ToTSC 3 CD discs, as well as BG2/BG2 - ToB in that order.
Step 2: I downloaded and installed the appropriate patches listed in the guide.
Step 3: I downloaded and installed bg2_fixpack-v9.exe
Step 4: Following the guide I extracted the BGT 1.12 into my BG2 directory. I know the guide says 1.06 but since the software has been updated several times since version 1.06, I assumed someone forgot to update the guide.
Step 5: Regardless of automated install or manual, I run into the error mentioned above. During the manual installation, I select language, am asked to install core files, then asked to input my directory. Regardless of syntax, it keeps kicking it back saying invalid directory. I have tried "\", "/", spaces, etc etc. I am not the most savvy command line user....but I know basic commands and my way around Unix, Linux, Windows, MS-Dos, Mac OSX, etc. etc.
I cannot figure this one out. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
Oh, by the way, I am using the default directory installation, as I assumed (because I ran into the same BGT error as above) I was getting the error because I was using a custom directory. I have also uploaded the debug log which does not show every attempt as I have uninstalled and reinstalled BG1/BG2 and expansions several times throughout the day.
I would also like to install the widescreen mod. I assume from the BGT install guide that I can do this after I install BGT. Is this assumption correct?
*UPDATE* I have read that BGT doesn't work in Program Files....I have uninstalled, and reinstalled to C:\Games\BG1 and C:\Games\BG2....can't get any simpler than that. Still getting the same error.
*UPDATE 2* I have no freaking clue WTF I did......but its installing just fine now. All I did, and I did this before, was uninstall, wipe registry entries, reinstall, repatch, reinstall fixpack, then its working. I did that same process maybe 6 separate times today.
Following the guide http://www.spellhold...e/BGTReadme.htm I ran into the following problem:
"Invalid Baldur's Gate directory, or incorrect Baldur's Gate installation.
It is safe to abort this installation by closing this window, or
pressing Ctrl+Break three times.
Enter the full path to your Baldur's Gate installation
then press Enter.
I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate x64: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.
Step 1: I installed BG/BG - ToTSC 3 CD discs, as well as BG2/BG2 - ToB in that order.
Step 2: I downloaded and installed the appropriate patches listed in the guide.
Step 3: I downloaded and installed bg2_fixpack-v9.exe
Step 4: Following the guide I extracted the BGT 1.12 into my BG2 directory. I know the guide says 1.06 but since the software has been updated several times since version 1.06, I assumed someone forgot to update the guide.
Step 5: Regardless of automated install or manual, I run into the error mentioned above. During the manual installation, I select language, am asked to install core files, then asked to input my directory. Regardless of syntax, it keeps kicking it back saying invalid directory. I have tried "\", "/", spaces, etc etc. I am not the most savvy command line user....but I know basic commands and my way around Unix, Linux, Windows, MS-Dos, Mac OSX, etc. etc.
I cannot figure this one out. Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong?
Oh, by the way, I am using the default directory installation, as I assumed (because I ran into the same BGT error as above) I was getting the error because I was using a custom directory. I have also uploaded the debug log which does not show every attempt as I have uninstalled and reinstalled BG1/BG2 and expansions several times throughout the day.
I would also like to install the widescreen mod. I assume from the BGT install guide that I can do this after I install BGT. Is this assumption correct?
*UPDATE* I have read that BGT doesn't work in Program Files....I have uninstalled, and reinstalled to C:\Games\BG1 and C:\Games\BG2....can't get any simpler than that. Still getting the same error.
*UPDATE 2* I have no freaking clue WTF I did......but its installing just fine now. All I did, and I did this before, was uninstall, wipe registry entries, reinstall, repatch, reinstall fixpack, then its working. I did that same process maybe 6 separate times today.
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