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Member Since 30 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2004 02:30 AM

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In Topic: NPC corrections

15 November 2004 - 06:14 AM

does the environment there bring the powers? if no then i am against it. especially because it is mentioned she has lost them. <_<

It is sayed that Drizzt too lost them... even though hes only missing the levitation. Are they even supposed to lose the others?

Spending a few days in the Underdark and getting them back is silly.

And what about the MR, why does she have it but not the other powers?
Im for giving her 'em all.

But exactly how would the globe of darkness work?

In Topic: NPC corrections

14 November 2004 - 02:32 AM

It doesn't make sense to me, that if someone is bald in their portrait that they have white hair. (Minsc) And if someone has one color clothing on their portrait, why would they have different one on their paper doll/avatar?

Though I agree with these points, what about Jan? He has green-silver clothes on the portrait, while the ingame purple-pink is totally him.

I'm kinda wondering about Viconia's innates too. Salvatore let Drizzt keep some of his innates without any justification, but Viconia should lose hers. Maybe she could regain them in the Underdark, but I think it's supposed to take time for that to happen.

Judging from the books they only loose the ability to levitate, not the MR, darkness or faerie fire.

In Topic: Handmaidens of Lolth

06 November 2004 - 03:06 AM

This is one of the things bioware didn't research. Yochols are feared and respected even by matron mothers, viconias brother had to be crazy to make fun of them.

I don't know their PnP stats, but they've been pretty powerful in the novels.

In Topic: Deva Quest

26 October 2004 - 12:45 AM

Thanks, I would of never thought of that :P

In Topic: Becoming Lich

04 August 2004 - 02:40 AM

Well the lich under the crooked crane doesnt make much sense then. He turned himself into a lich to rest in a basement forever?! :huh: