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Member Since 07 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2011 01:49 AM

Topics I've Started

regen hp / mana mod?

07 August 2011 - 01:53 AM

A mod to regen hp would be nice.

Nothing drastic like 1hp every 30secs / only heal 50% health.

Maybe also something that heals faster when you are more injured like a formula . Max Hp - Current hp * X  or something.

And maybe instead of constantly resting to get spells , a system that uses mana instead? I mean mages in this game have become a little
gay from a main character wizard perspective. Your opponents are always fully rested and have max spells so its somewhat unfair.

Let me know please. Something that is compatible with the baldur's gate trilogy mod would be nice and bg1 especially.

weidu trilogy problems

07 August 2011 - 12:15 AM

So after i install the trilogy mod , it's great and all because bg1 has a major graphics update. It looks much better, so i proceed to make my hero and I don't end up getting very far because right away gorion is permenantly busy.

So i figure its a glitch and i google this. Game requires throne of bhaal update, so i patch it, now gorion is no longer busy but there is no text like its invisible. So i could probably play the game like this, but what fun would that be without text?

And unfortunately , weidu triology mod does not seem to be compatible with mana mods, or spell refresh mods, because i hate resting after every single battle.

anyone know what i should do?

In emergency i guess i would have to not use weidu trilogy mod and play with the old unimproved bg1 graphics?
