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Member Since 04 Aug 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2011 12:35 PM

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ERROR locating resource for 'getting 2da lines' Resource [K_T

05 August 2011 - 10:57 PM

please help me, this is my first mod and all it does is create a new kit, and whenever i go to test it i get this message in the command line:
ERROR locating resource for 'getting 2da lines'
Resource [K_T_E,.2da] not found in KEY file:
Stopping instillation because of error

here is the 2da:BACKUP ~Royalassassin/backup~
AUTHOR ~throwlogs@gmail.com~
BEGIN ~Royal assassin~
ADD_KIT ~Royal~

// appended to CLASWEAP.2da
~Royal 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0~

~Royal 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~

~Royal 0 15 0 15 9 0~

~Royal -5 2 -7 0 0 -8~

~Royal 0 0 0 0 17 0~

~Royal 0 20 0 0 0 0~

~Royal 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0~

~Royal 1 1 1 1 1 1~


~K_T_E, K_T_HE~

~0x00004000 4~


~CHAN09 * HELM07 BAG20 RING06 RING31 * BOOT01 AMUL19 BRAC16 BELT06 POTN52,5 POTN4,2 POTN14,5 WAND03,20 SW1H54~

SAY ~ROYAL assassin~
SAY ~ROYAL assassin~
SAY ~ROYAL assassin: The Royal assassin is the Perfect Fusion of stealth and the arcane, all to kill those that threaten the crown.They act as bodyguards, spys and assassins. They prefer short and longswords, and only those of extrodinary speed and above verage intelect are even bothered with.They have mastered some simple spells for use on missions and after many years working in the shadows for king country has left them with little social skills. upon entering the order you swear a geas to your protect your country, forcing you to a lawful alignment(but only towards the laws of their country) Sleaping gas, acidic energy bolts, and the power to disapear are the powers they weild
- +2 to maximum DEX
-can alot 2 points into single weapon style, long swords, and shortswords.
-at levels 7 and 13 gains the spell Cloak Of Shadows
-every 5 levels gains 1 use per day of Acid Bolt up to level 20
-can summon a familiar to help him
-at level 13 gains "smoke bomb"

-must be of LG,LN,or LE alignment
-must be Elven or Half-Elven
- -5 STR ,-7 CON, and -8 CHA
-must have at least 15 INT
- can only use longswords and shortswords with any skill~

COPY ~Royalassassin/spells/shadow.spl~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Cloak of shadows~

COPY ~Royalassassin/spells/acid.SPL~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~Acid Bolt~

COPY ~Royalassassin/spells/Smoke.spl~ ~override~
SAY NAME1 ~sleep powder~

please help, im stumped and am in dire need of assistance!

Royal Assasins

05 August 2011 - 07:13 PM

NEW NPC:Vench F'leynir
feels like an outcast over his father, a human, in a culture of only elves. eager to prove himself just as strong as they are
QUEST:helping him track down the person who assassinated the prince of the small
citystate that he comes from, then, to return them alive to his homeland for questioning, choices <CHARNAME> makes shall influence his actions and even a possible alignment change
(some) more story shall be posted soonish

Here is the custom kit of Vench:
The Royal Assassin is the Perfect Fusion of stealth and the arcane, all to kill those that threaten the crown.They act as bodyguards, spies and assassins. They prefer short and longwords, and only those of extraordinary speed and keen intellect are even bothered with. They have mastered some simple spells for use on missions.upon entering their order they swear an oath to protect and serve their king.

- +2 to maximum DEX
-at levels 7 and 13 gains the spell invisibility
-every 5 levels gains 1 use per day of melf's Acid arrow up to level 20
-can summon a familiar to help him
-at level 13 gains "stinking cloud"

-must be of LG,LN,or LE alignment
-must be Elven or Half-Elven
-must have at least 15 INT
- can only use longwords and short-swords with any skill

have removed the part about the geas because it did not fit with the direction of the story and interaction with other players.

please give feedback as to your opinions, good or bad, and this is my first mod, so I'm apologizing in advance for all balance issues and bugs.