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Member Since 13 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2005 03:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Progress report

10 July 2005 - 01:47 PM

Glad to see you guys are still working on it. How long has it been? Half a decade? At any rate, good luck. I hope you can finish it before Dragon Age comes out.

In Topic: Solars, deva, planetars

27 March 2005 - 09:30 PM

As I recall, there is just one deva in NWN (in HotU expansion, more precisely, in Underdark). Is that the only one or there are others which I miss ?

That's the only deva in the official campaigns. There is also exactly one planetar in the same story (taking a very long nap in Baator).

In Topic: Raise Dead

03 March 2005 - 07:22 PM

If they made it so party members 'Dying' wasn't always death, but could be them knocked out.

That's basically what they are going to do. I don't think everyone understands what they meant by "no resurrection." Death will indeed be final -- but a party member going down in combat will not be dead. It sounds like the system used in KotOR1&2.

How do I know this? Well, consider this post:

Posted 02/15/05 23:47:06 (GMT) by David Gaider

Posted 02/15/05 23:19:37 (GMT) by Meerclaw
I am extremely curious to know if any of the other characters in your party will be central to the main plot (like Bastila in KOTOR)



If there are characters as central to the plot as Bastila was in KotOR, they can't very well die in combat with some random, irrelevant enemies, can they? So in all likelyhood, a character will fall down upon dropping to the equivalent of 0 HP and you will be able to heal him up after the fight is over. The battle doesn't end until all the enemies are gone or the entire party goes down.

In Topic: When fallen celestials...

13 February 2005 - 12:57 AM

Remember that Redeemed Fiends and Fallen Celestials are nearly unheard of - Beelzebul and Belial are the only two examples of fallen celestials that I can think of, and truthfully, I cannot think of any canon redeemed fiends (though I've never played PST, and from what I've heard, Fall From Grace might qualify.)

Fallen Celestials are actually quite common. Think about it -- out of the 9 Lords of Baator, 2 are Fallen Celestials. You don't hear about others very much because they are generally not that important, but it's a fact of life that Good cannot come in contact with Evil and remain purely Good.

Redeemed Fiends, on the other hand, are quite rare.

In Topic: Lords of the Nine Hells

15 January 2005 - 02:49 PM

That answers it pretty well. Thanks.