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Member Since 27 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2011 07:48 AM

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In Topic: Are these AI scripts compatible with BGT?

31 July 2011 - 12:38 PM

Are Yovaneth's Scripts compatible with BGT?


OK and should I install the ones labeled BG1, BG2, or both?

In Topic: Whats the general install order with BGT?

31 July 2011 - 11:49 AM

so apparently you cant do the fixpack first?

Well, you need to... perhaps your conclusion is wrong, have you modified your BG1 game ? As it needs to be a clean "a new game started" full installs of BG1+BG:TotSC+the 5512 patch. And the install needs to be NOT in the c drives Program Files sub-folders, as the patch doesn't work in most OS'es there.

I reinstalled and started installing based on the PDF file I found on here and everything went smooth. Its been a few days, I forget what exactly I installed first the first time when it didnt work. Ah I remember now, i THINK it was because i didnt create the quick saves before doing anything. I did that this time around.

In Topic: Whats the general install order with BGT?

28 July 2011 - 09:53 PM

also just FYI, when I install BGT in the order listed there, I get LOADS of errors upon installing it. I googled the error and came with a post over at GOG (thats the versions Im using) that says you wouldnt get the error I was getting if I had no mods installed, so apparently you cant do the fixpack first?

In Topic: Whats the general install order with BGT?

28 July 2011 - 07:36 PM

widescreen mod
unfinished business for 1 and 2
bg2 fixpack from Gibberlings3.

The one in the BWP's documents...
"Ascension" - you don't want to install cause there's problems with it... you install the BPv1.80's Ascension component
And now to the order...
1) BG2 Fixpack
2) BGT - WeiDU
3) BG1 Unfinished B
4) Unfinished B
5) BP v1.80b or later
6) Widescreen mod

Thanks much. Also, is there a general line of reasoning to consider when you're installing mods to figure out what order they should go in, or is it something where it's too complicated and random that you just need to check a list somewhere?

In Topic: big world project install v 9.10 wont connect to updates

28 July 2011 - 11:24 AM

Just wondering what the scoop is on this, there a later version or...?

Can you Read the names of the topics in the first page?
If you can, there are Somerset for you.

I have no idea what youre inferring with "Somerset".

If you're trying to say that there's something on the first page in which the title should tell me that it's related to the big world project and I should have clicked it, I'd have to say you're mistaken. I don't know enough about the mod community and the terminology to know to click through a post unless it talks about something I'm directly familiar with. What might seem like common sense to you because you've been around for hwo knows how long doesn't mean it's going to make sense to me.

I did my duty by attempting to search for anything regarding "big world" or "BWP" int hese forums before I posted anythign and the search came back with 0 results for each search.

No if you can be helpful and not condescending elitist that'd be great.