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Member Since 18 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2011 04:43 PM

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In Topic: Big world setup Help

19 July 2011 - 11:06 AM

Ok I managed to find some of the files and now I am only missing these:

Mersetek le Joaillier: The Mod itself (Mersetek_v1.2.zip)
IWD Items Pack: The Mod itself (IWD_Items_Pack.7z)
Fade NPC (SoA): The Mod itself (FadeSoAV3.rar)
Kindrek NPC: The Mod itself (kindrekmod.rar)
Alcool: The Mod itself (Alcool_v0.11.zip)
Au service d'Oghma: The Mod itself (ThOghma_v1.6.zip)
Kiara-Zaiya NPCs: The Mod itself (Kiara-Zaiya_v1.6.2.zip)
Legion of Hell: The Mod itself (LOHMod.zip)
Nikitalleria NPC: The Mod itself (Nikita101.rar)
Paladins of Faerun Kitpack: The Mod itself (PoF_Kitpack_V5.rar)

Most of them belong to some french site in which the admin has disabled the links. (I could not locate any of them in the suggested site either)

Also, I am still trying to find out if I am supposed to use the install/fix pack after I am done with the setup. The way the pdf help file is written is kinda vague since it mentions them under a section which is described as being performed by the setup file.