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Member Since 17 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2011 05:35 PM

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In Topic: Xan soundset :(

20 July 2011 - 05:27 PM


In Topic: Xan soundset :(

20 July 2011 - 05:11 PM


In Topic: Xan soundset :(

20 July 2011 - 02:34 PM


In Topic: Xan soundset :(

20 July 2011 - 02:18 PM

How about reading your log?

I know exactly which mod does this... and it leaves a note in your weidu.log regarding this. There is also a mod for the original soundset of Xan if you find the homepage of the mod that changes the soundset... which isn't that hard.

I hope no one just downright tells you... especially if its a problem like this which can be easily solved by just looking at the readmes...

The mod that changes the soundset of Xan to the original soundset is not part of BWP, but can be safely installed at the end. Try to find it on your own.

This is one of the reasons why I dislike BW.. because so many users that think can just click buttons and be satisfied with the end result... and not have to worry about reading the readmes. BW is a tool, not a means of existence.

Yes I figured it out.

I'm still not sure why someone would record horrible voice acting over Xan's original GOLDEN recordings.
I was kind of hoping that someone would "downright tell me" I'm not one for understanding anything more than "clicking on buttons"
Is this a modders only forum? I am just a casual gamer.

In Topic: My BWP bug experience with bws 9.10

17 July 2011 - 11:27 AM

I*m running newly installed BG2 with BWS 9.10 tweaked AAPicks preset (-BP AI, +SCSII AI, +NEJ v6.02, +FFT, +Vecna v19) on Win7x64 with Athlon II 215 @ 3,5Ghz, Radeon HD4670, 2Gb Ram

GAME IS GREAT :Bow: , but i still have some bugs, that can be fixed with Your help :rolleyes:

1.Silver star has wrong numeration for russian language in bws (2, the right one is 1). Need to be fixed.
2.Another Silver star bug, when i teleport her in pocket plane with fate spirit, there are 2 silver stars appears, and after recruiting she has only 90K xp (7 level). I can live with it, but, it's better to fix it.
3.When my thieves sets a snare (spcl412), the polymorph self(spin139) spell is casted upon them. I fixed it in my game, but what cause it?
4.Yeah, soon there'll be the next one...

1. CtD on unidentified item's properties screen.
Caused by the vanilla bg2 engine on resolution 1280*960 without widescreen mod.
2.When I started the new TOB game, i've got a CTD after few seconds of gameplay. As I knew it now, the reason was in broken pack-mule animation. BWS changes ANSI codepage before installing IA, BUT, when pack mule was installed the proper codepage wasn´t set. It would be great to change codepage earlier.

Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum and am running across this same bug (polymorph added after using set snare). Which file do can I add your edits to solve this problem?
Thank you