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Member Since 10 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2011 04:10 AM

Topics I've Started

Can this stuff be installed manually?

15 July 2011 - 04:28 AM

After a frustrating week of trying to get Big World to load I have come to the conclusion that 1) the installer just doesn't work and 2) the installer definitely doesn't work for me.  I have followed all the instructions, turned off all the security software, and still do not have a working game.  I have manually installed mods, hundreds each, for Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout3, so I wonder if it might just be better to manually install these mods.  It would be time consuming, but I would not be at the mercy of some buggy install program that seems to delight in finding a new way of crashing my installation each time I run it.  Is there a list of mods for the Tactics version that includes the installation order?  I would be willing to spend ten evenings or so putting these mods in.  Running Big World Installer again?  Not so sure about that one.

Big World can't find Weidu-Windows-229

12 July 2011 - 04:28 PM

This is my fourth night trying to install this thing, which has only caused more frustration. Clean install of everything, checked off all the files that it says I don't have, even though in some cases I do have them. But the one that really galls is the These selected mods are missing:

WeiDU (Tool) 229

When I look in the debug file it says that Checking WeiDU (Tool) 229
Archive WeiDU-Windows-229.zip is missing. I made sure that I had this file, again, and got the message: Checking WeiDU (Tool) 229
The archive does not have the correct size. What in the heck is wrong with this thing and how do I correct this problem? I could only find one example of WeiDU-Windows-229 on the internet and haven't been able to find anything with the name WeiDU (Tool) 229 anywhere. I know without this file the whole setup is going to crash, so I'm not moving on until I know what the heck the right file is and how I can get this buggy installer to recognize it. Help, someone, before I reach the point where I just have to give up on this thing.