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Member Since 04 Sep 2002
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2003 01:06 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mod Updates?

01 February 2003 - 08:43 AM

Ah, yes, you must be right... itīs Bodhi.

I'll bet ya its not. :)

Don't damn spoil so much :P


In Topic: Imoen Romance

15 September 2002 - 08:43 AM

sorry i just may have gone a little over the top and im ANYTHING but political correct (trust me they don't call me teacher terror for nothing)
anyways i always thought that it should be possible for the uhm less attractive races to romance npc's BUT it would indeed require some stats to be high like IN or CHA and perhaps even WIS or STR that the other races would not since you dont have the looks so you'll have to talk your way into there heart (that sounded way to romantic for my liking awell)

                    Believe me, He's way to political correct, right Peter B)


In Topic: Beta testing

09 September 2002 - 05:20 AM

LOL speaking of arguementation :)


In Topic: A simple question

08 September 2002 - 11:37 AM

Thank you.


In Topic: Question Imoen

05 September 2002 - 04:11 AM

(taken from some of the IRC RPs where she's played Imoen)

"Hey baby, wanna receive my... Mark of Bhall?"  :P

"Imoen, I understand that your a theif, that's what you do... But do you *have* to steal my sex toys?!"

"Uhhh... Immy.... What the hell are 'L337 M4G1XX'?"  :ph34r:

My my, and they call me a pervert :)