Tomkaz, in case CTRL + r and Greater Restoration won't help, can you attach saves: with your main character drained and with him healthy (for comparison)? Perhaps the drain was implemented badly in some mod vampires and it could be fixed manually.
Member Since 09 May 2004Offline Last Active May 30 2020 09:47 AM
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In Topic: BWPv18 released
05 April 2019 - 01:53 AM
In Topic: Issues finding/downloading a few mods
18 March 2019 - 11:53 AM
No. As far as I remember at some point BWS will ask you to provide manually mods it can not download. At this moment for each mod you'll had to manually point BWS to a downloaded version, and upon BWS noticing that size/version/filename doesn't match you'll have the option to tell BWS "yeah whatever, install this one".
The result would be questionable though in case mod components composition was changed since last BWS update.
In Topic: Help me get my proper bard spells!
21 February 2019 - 03:47 AM
Tho my issue with bard spells predates this failed Song/Silence installation. Any advice in that regard?
Contrary to your second post here you still haven't attached your WeiDU log. Note that it's not enough to just browse to needed file when composing a post, after that you had to click "attach this file" button.
In Topic: BWPv18 released
20 February 2019 - 01:06 PM
Thrown Hammers - I have 6.02 and can share if you need it. On the side note - this is the evils of that darn "master" releases of github, where each new version overwrites and pushes to oblivion previous version.Huh? Nop, not true, you can download previous mod version from here: even without releases, all previous mod version are available for download from repository itself.
This is in fact great, thank you for the example (tomkaz, there's just 6.01 you've missed under the link)! The idea of github getting rid of version numbers and making older versions unavailable was my main issue with it, but it looks both assumptions were wrong.
In Topic: BWPv18 released
20 February 2019 - 12:02 PM
Tomkaz, about The Old Gold v0.1 - you are safe to upgrade it to v0.2. I am testing it right now installed on top of readied BWS game and all seems fine, as far as BG1 part goes at least. I especially recommend that if you are using 1PP as I fixed some misalignment in mod's graphics with 1PP's paperdolls.
IWD Item Pack got downloaded, extracted and launched fine for me. Same goes for IWD Item Fix. Have you tried those in the first and the last posts of this thread, respectively?
Thrown Hammers - I have 6.02 and can share if you need it. On the side note - this is the evils of that darn "master" releases of github, where each new version overwrites and pushes to oblivion previous version.
aTweaks v4.53 - can you clarify "not worked"? Failed to install, failed to even launch? By the way, if a mod package misses its exe (it happens, rarely) you could create it by making a copy of setup-smth_else.exe and renaming it into Setup-atweaks.exe for example. This is essentially the same file with different names.
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