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Member Since 26 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2011 07:34 AM

Topics I've Started

Imported save woes

03 July 2011 - 10:24 AM

I imported some saves from my previous install which I had to abandon and unfortunately I'm having strange problems. My current install is almost identical and the imported save is working almost completely correctly. My one problem is that all party NPCs, instead of playing their usual audio when I issue commands during battle, spout item descriptions and other miscellaneous strings in the speech/combat log. New games work perfectly, so I started looking through the scripts associated with the characters in the save files and found that I'm missing at least one sound: imoen99. Imoen's override script has 17 instances of playing imoen99 but it does not exist in my install. This is common for both new games and old saved games, so it doesn't seem to be the cause of my current problem, though.

I'm pretty sure I read about someone having this issue some time ago but I can't remember what it was to save my life.

Here's my WeiDU log:

Update: I was able to find the sound information in Imoen's CRE file. I fixed the problems by simply copy-pasting the correct strings from a newly created game. I still don't know why this got messed up in the first place but at least I now have a fix even if it is a tedious one.

Temple Ruins (AR1404) causes CTD as soon as area loads

27 June 2011 - 03:27 AM

Today I encountered a new bug. The pre-cleansing Temple Ruins area causes a crash as soon as I enter. The area loads completely and I get to see my character on the map briefly before the game crashes with an error message.

This is what baldur.err says:

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 1080, 702 ) #:7143533 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 30 ) #:7143533 R:14

It doesn't really tell me anything. I've also tried removing the related area files from my override directory as well as removing the files associated with the shade lord, as I heard he can cause problems with TS (I don't have TS installed but I do have improved shade lord from SCS2). I was under the impression that a corrupt area file would refuse to load at all while I seem to crash after loading is complete. I suppose the problem could be caused by a different creature such as the one who greets you as soon as you enter the map, but I can't remember what his purpose is or how to edit him.

It's also not character specific as I've tried bringing multiple characters from different saves with no success.

Here's my weidu:

edit: Ok, it's the Shade Lord after all. If I make him not appear, the area won't crash. Now all I need are working Shade Lord files, I guess.

edit2: After further investigation I can safely say my first conclusion was way off. The problem appears to have been the replaced animation for shadow01.cre. It must have come from the Infinity Animations mod.