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Urborg Vengrath

Member Since 04 May 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2014 06:35 PM

Topics I've Started

BiG World Setup trouble

13 April 2014 - 05:34 PM




I'm new to the BWS, but it looks like it is taking organizing and installing mods to the next level. So I am eager to try it out and get it working smoothly. However I ran into trouble the other night and it is persisting.


When BWS begins to check sites for the availability of mod downloads, before any are even installed, I am receiving a blue screen that says Windows has shut down  to protect itself and that I need to restart my computer. So I end up having to power down and starting the computer up again.


Now, I am using bws_20140215 and I am running Windows XP. My anti-virus is on at this point, but I told it to trust BWS. I have SoA and ToB installed (not the enhanced versions), with the recommended patch for ToB. BWS is in the SoA folder. I started a fresh game in both SoA and ToB. The  folder's that Jarno/The Imp recommended to remove in his FAQ (save, temp save, etc.) have been deleted.


I'm not sure what to do to solve this. Has anyone else experienced the same issue? I'd appreciate any advice you guys could offer.

NPC Scouting

10 April 2014 - 04:43 PM




I'm returning to BG2 after a long break. Presently I am looking for a line up of mods for my game. One task is searching for possible NPCs to recruit to my villainous cause. Ninde looks like a possible candidate. But I would like to carry my party from SoA through ToB. So the question is, how developed is Ninde, and are there any major bugs a player should be aware of?