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Member Since 29 Aug 2002
Offline Last Active Sep 07 2003 03:25 AM

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In Topic: can you help me please?

31 March 2003 - 12:20 PM

Wow, many thanks, it worked.
There was also a typo and a problem with multiple SAY sessions (replaced by =) and now it works.

In Topic: can you help me please?

31 March 2003 - 09:04 AM

I tried to create a character that would sell my items, so I made a .cre file , a .bcs file to extend the area#1000 and a store file.
I also made a .d file, but now I'm getting that error when trying to reinstall the whole:

pymod/py#aria.d PARSE ERROR at line 14 column 51-54 Near text GOTO syntax error.

My .d file is as follows: Can you help me solve this please?


IF ~NumTimesTalkedTo(0)~ THEN BEGIN rencontre
SAY ~Salut!~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Qui est-tu?~ GOTO presenter
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Que fais tu ici?~ GOTO vente
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Une gamine ici? va-t-en, c'est dangereux.~ GOTO gamine
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Arrière monstre! Je te pourfendrai!~ GOTO monstre

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN presenter
SAY ~Moi c'est Aria. Qu'est ce que je fais ici? ~ GOTO vente <--(the problem seems to be here)

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN gamine
SAY ~J'suis pas une gamine! Maintenant je suis une vendeuse interplanaire!~ GOTO vente

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN monstre
SAY ~J'suis pas monstre! Avant, mais plus maintenant.~ GOTO vente.

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN vente
SAY ~Je me suis retrouvée enfermée ici par mon frère. Il m'a dit de vendre ces trucs qu'il a fabriqué.~
SAY ~Je sais pas à quoi ils servent tous, mais y'en a qu'ont l'air puissants,et vous vous avez l'air de types qu'ont besoin de trucs puissants.~
SAY ~Alors vous voulez m'achetez un des ces trucs?~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~D'accord. Fais voir ta camelote~ GOTO shopping
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Pas cette fois ci~ GOTO aurevoir1
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Pas question que j'achete ces déchets!~ GOTO aurevoir2

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN aurevoir1
SAY ~Bon d'accord. à bientôt alors~

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN aurevoir2
SAY ~Eh! T'enerves pas!~

IF ~NumTimesTalkedToGT(0)~ THEN BEGIN retour
SAY ~Rebonjour. Vous voulez m'acheter quelque chose? Je veux rentrer chez moi vous savez.~

IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~D'accord. Fais voir ta camelote~ GOTO shopping
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Pas cette fois ci~ GOTO aurevoir1
IF ~~ THEN REPLY ~Pas question que j'achete ces déchets!~ GOTO aurevoir2

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN shopping
SAY ~Ok regardez.~
IF~~ THEN DO ~StartStore("ariasto",LastTalkedToBy(Myself))~ EXIT

In Topic: can you help me please?

30 March 2003 - 11:38 PM

Nope, way better with weidu. Now it is done, I'll never have to add all those strings again.

Actually, I started with french language, and when I saw the error message due to translation, I tought it was maybe due to the lack of an english version before putting a french one. but now it's fixed.

Now I'll try to implement those items so some ennmies drop them. All I have to do is modify the .cre file of a character right?
Let's say I want the shade lich to drop one of the bracers, I just have to make a copy of its .cre file with the item in the inventory trough NearInfinity, then add a
COPY ~pymod/HLSHADE.cre"~ ~override/HLSHADE.cre.itm~ line?

How can I patch the strings for the name and such?

In Topic: can you help me please?

30 March 2003 - 02:36 PM

Okay, now the installer started correctly, but I got errors when it tried to install the items.
I created an empty backup directory and everything worked fine. Cool.

Now all I have to do is to put all my custom items and finish their description.
Hail weimer for sparing me the bore to do it manually again and thanks to you all.

In Topic: the corrupted power of Vecna....

26 December 2002 - 07:10 AM

Thanks, Al.