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Member Since 25 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2011 11:40 AM

Topics I've Started

BGT bugged with Tweaks and BG1 worldmap

24 June 2011 - 12:02 PM

BGT has a bug with Tweaks where Imoen will fail to appear and open the cage at the start of SoA, forcing you to ctrl-alt-delete your way out of the crashed game.

I just spent the afternoon painstakingly reinstalling the game and mods one at a time and testing every step of the way.

The problem is with "Faster Cutscenes and Dreams" in Tweaks. The "non-silly" version doesn't work with BGT, it crashes the game at the start of SoA when Imoen is supposed to spawn. (I didn't test the other version, I just immediately uninstalled it.)

I'm really surprised that more people don't know about this bug.

There's also a bug where the BG1 worldmap doesn't work with BGT. It will just appear as blank terrain with no destinations on it, trapping you on the first map out of Candlekeep, or whatever map you're on if you load a save. You have to install the "Big World Map" mod to make it work. This is another serious bug with the latest BGT release that I am surprised that more people don't know about.

Now that I know about these two issues, I hopefully have a working install of BGT, but people need to know.

BGT not starting

30 May 2011 - 06:55 PM

I have two totally clean installs of BG1 and BG2 - I tested them separately and they both work.

BGT appears to install correctly, ending with the autolink to "post-installation notes".

When I click on the BGMain.exe, I get a window with a "-1" and then click OK.

It brings up another window that says "An assertion failed in ChDimm.cop at line number 834". Click OK, end of start attempt.

Does anybody know why it won't run and/or what this error means?


Nathaniel and Anomen?

25 May 2011 - 03:09 PM

Hi, I've been playing with Thaniel and Anomen, and I've noticed several dialogues that suggest that there could be something there between the two of them.

I am wondering - if the PC does not romance Thaniel, are he and Ano going to eventually get it on? That would be very interesting. As a gay PC, I am almost getting jealous of the attention the two of them are showing to each other.

It would constitute a complete reimagining of Ano, but I find the idea that he might have some bisexual urges that he normally keeps completely repressed quite interesting.