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Member Since 18 May 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2011 10:25 AM

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In Topic: Mourns-for-trees

29 June 2011 - 07:46 AM


In Topic: Planescape Torment Quotes

03 June 2011 - 07:07 PM

I've really really enjoyed a lot of the writing in PS:T but the only one which had me splitting my sides was this:

Modron cube - This small metal toy is a replica of a cube-like creature with huge eyes on one of its faces. The toy has two legs, two arms, two folding wings, and at least eighteen points of articulation. Maybe it's a collector's item.
Nameless One - Move the arms and make sword-fighting noises.
Modron cube - The toy *clicks* and *whirrs* as you move its clockwork joints. Within moments, the tiny cube has vanquished every imaginary opponent you have sent against it, and settled back to its normal position.
Nameless One - Wave its arms and make cheering noises.
Modron cube - Hordes of imaginary creatures from across the planes cheer the cube's victory. You can almost see a tiny oily tear brimming on one of its eyes... it is a hero, the greatest cube ever to roam the Planes, and everyone loves it. In your mind, Fall-From-Grace and Annah hug it and shower it with kisses.
Nameless One - Sigh, put the cube away for future battles against the multiverse.
Morte - Morte stares at you and shakes his head.
Nameless One - "What's that, cube hero? 'Morte's a stupid skull'? Why, yes he is, isn't he, cube hero?"
Morte - "Hey! It didn't say that!"
Nameless One - "Yes it did! It said it just now!"
Morte - "Wh-- ?! Gimme that thing!"
Nameless One - "No, it's mine. He only wants to hang out with me anyway. Don't you, cube hero? Yes, you do!"
Morte - "I. Just. Want. To. Hold. It. For. A. Second."
Nameless One - "But you don't have any hands."
Morte - "I'll hold it in my TEETH."
Nameless One - "No, I think I'll just put it away for now."
Morte - "I'm gonna smash that modron cube to bits."
Nameless One - "Did you hear anything, cube hero? Neither did I!"

Sizeable hit to your lawfulness rating, but OH SO WORTH IT. If you're looking for just a short quote, the part I put in italics will do.

In Topic: Grain silo crash in Curst

01 June 2011 - 01:08 AM

Just wanted to confirm: I had the same problem (Windows 7 x64) and leaving all companions outside also worked for me.

In Topic: Known Issues v4.1 (post bug reports here)

23 May 2011 - 04:43 PM

Well, I found I might be wrong about the Es-Annon tattoo question. It does seem odd that the "better" way to accomplish the quest would give an inferior tattoo.

Another bug I found: if you become a Godsman before you deliver Giltspur's note, Keldor doesn't say anything and the conversation is immediately terminated. You do still get the XP from Giltspur though.

In Topic: Known Issues v4.1 (post bug reports here)

18 May 2011 - 11:49 AM

Two bugs:

I purchased an engraving for Es-Annon from Death-of-Names but Fell is offering the Tattoo of Dreams of Es-Annon (which you're supposed to get if you tell the Crier to stop mourning) instead of the Tattoo of Graves of Es-Annon.

The fixpack says it makes Lowden a lot easier to talk to in the Weeping Stone Catacombs, but I can't see him at all anywhere, and I looked quite carefully in the crypt of dismemberment's underchamber ("hover over every individual pixel multiple times" carefully).

Any ideas what might be going wrong/how to fix these, or are other people facing these problems as well?

I have the widescreen, interface, fix, unfinished business, and tweak mods installed; I'd be happy to give more details.