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Bingo Bango

Member Since 09 May 2011
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2012 03:55 PM

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In Topic: [HELP WANTED] Voice Acting and Area Modding

09 May 2011 - 11:38 AM

It's always been a bit dream of mine to be a character in an Infinity Engine game. I'm up for it!

You can hear some of my voice stuff here: http://www.josephbracken.co.uk

I realise a lot of the samples in that demo reel are very 'shouty' or in some way gruff characters, but I assure you I can do other intonation(s).

I'd also be up for helping in a more limited capacity with writing (of dialogue, quests etc) if you need that. I've got quite a bit of experience :)
