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Member Since 09 May 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2011 06:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Setup of Big World Project hangs at BGT install

28 August 2011 - 02:57 PM

Yeah, you need to set the installation to pause before installing the BGT and install it manually. AFAIK it happens because the : in the input sent to the BGT gets parsed as condition of some sort, or otherwise ignored (in the BWS installation script). Thus the directory gets piped as C\whatever (insted of C:\). You can see this in the log if you try.

In Topic: BWP and mod bugs not yet fixed

12 May 2011 - 10:50 AM

Edit: this should likely go into the BWS thread I guess, but I'm not sure who creates the conflict definitions for it.

The mod.ini definition of some conflicts is wrong somehow, see http://www.shsforums...gion-of-terror/.

(the gist of it is that RoT and TDD are incompatible because they are checked for with an XOR and that bonehill fixes get ignored because of mistyped syntax.

In Topic: The Darkest Day vs Region of Terror

12 May 2011 - 10:43 AM

Actually the issue is just in the mod definitions in the installer AFAIK. Here's the updated mod.ini, it goes inside BiG World Setup\config and it needs to be renamed to mod.ini.

In Topic: The Darkest Day vs Region of Terror

09 May 2011 - 08:02 AM

I had this exact problem, and it appears to be caused by using an exclusive OR in the conflict check (for BP level50 ruleset).

Oh another unrelated thing is that turambar fixes to bonehill are missing the dependency definition (D:) and are thus interpreted as conflicting instead. Edit: Possibly there's more to it than that, I'll poke around a bit more.

I could upload a fixed mod.ini but the problem is really simple to fix.

Edit2: It was also missing a (-) there so the utility had problems interpreting it. (the bonehill thing)

Edit3: Hey, I am not even allowed to upload it (even if renamed to get around it possibly being an inflated .ini), so whatever.