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Member Since 14 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2007 12:56 PM

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In Topic: Can not begin the main quest of ts,nor go to Brynnlaw

13 July 2007 - 01:46 PM

SETUP-BGT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Baldur's Gate Trilogy - Core 1.04

This is not bare bones nucklehead,, and if your so into reading all the posts you would have noticed that having the above BP 177 and tweakpk 2 installed ,,ready


But I'm not blaming you... honestly (not your fault the women in here keep moving the furniture every weekend)  AHEM......

Also SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.TP2~ #0 #0 // Revised worldmap for the Baldur's Gate v6.5 with BP 177 has been known to have issues with executing quests!

has caused problems through Tweak/Fix PK 2 (

I used World Map 6.6 as well, no differences.

I have V3 of the packs, not V2.

And I figure following the install order given in these forums as "bare-bones" since I am following install order to a T.

You aren't blaming me but I'm a [k]nucklehead? Good luck with that.

In Topic: Can not begin the main quest of ts,nor go to Brynnlaw

29 June 2007 - 10:16 PM

Okay, what you and Chev said did work in starting the cutscenes (IDed item). But its just like RoT world map problems. With RoT Arlax is permanently greyed out--here it's impossible to travel to the River Chiontar without the carriage ride. And River Chiontar keeps saying destination unreachable, and Soubar never opens up (obviously, since I'm in River Chiontar and the area is unreachable itself, it won't unlock anything new).

I uninstalled WM 6.5 and installed 6.6 to see if that would fix it but no avail. I also noticed that TDD areas also became "destination unreachable" after the Umar cutscenes (both in instances of a new game and also in my old game) so I suspect TDD and SoS don't play well with each other, since arriving at Umar Hills automatically opens up Trollford, as well as the main SoS story line, that's probably where the conflict is.

OK! I give up trying to play the megamod lol.

I'll come back when 1.13 TDD/SoS comes out, and when 6.11 or 6.12 RoT comes out, or WM 7, hopefully by then these globals and map travel issues can be cleared up.

In Topic: No cutscene in Umar

29 June 2007 - 06:07 PM

Okay, what you said did work in starting the cutscenes (IDed item). But its just like RoT world map problems. With RoT Arlax is permanently greyed out--here it's impossible to travel to the River Chiontar without the carriage ride. And River Chiontar keeps saying destination unreachable, and Soubar never opens up (obviously, since I'm in River Chiontar and the area is unreachable itself, it won't unlock anything new).

I uninstalled WM 6.5 and installed 6.6 to see if that would fix it but no avail. I also noticed that TDD areas also became "destination unreachable" after the Umar cutscenes (both in instances of a new game and also in my old game) so I suspect TDD and SoS don't play well with each other, since arriving at Umar Hills automatically opens up Trollford, as well as the main SoS story line, that's probably where the conflict is.

OK! I give up trying to play the megamod lol. None of this stuff works but basic TDD.

In Topic: Can not begin the main quest of ts,nor go to Brynnlaw

29 June 2007 - 02:48 PM

Yeah, that could be one of the problems...although I'm not sure I have the patience to do a 4-5 hour Megamod install all over again just to find out if or if not that was causing CTDs in the RoT caves...

Not necessary, just uninstall that one single component of Fixpack and try again.

I have BP-BGT installed.

If I uninstall the fixpack, two things will occur.

1) WEIDU will uninstall all the components following (which is pretty much everything) and then attempt to recompile the entire megamod and take 3-4 hours.

2) 100% certainty that the bgmain.exe will CTD because everyone knows the WEIDU auto-reinstall feature does not work with BP. Even uninstalling a small feature at the end of the megamod chain tends to totally corrupt the entire install, I mean if we are talking about a 3-4 hours WEIDU recomplile vs a 5 hour complete reinstall, I'll take the latter, because at least it's guaranteed to start up.

1. Make a copy of your WeiDU log & save it somewhere safe that you can find again.
2. Open your existing WeiDU log and delete everything after the Fixpack component you need to de-install and close your WeiDU log and save it.
3. Uninstall the offending Fixpack component.
4. Copy over your saved WeiDU log to replace the one you've been messing with.
5. Open that saved copy and delete just the line that refers to the component you just deleted.
6. Close and save your WeiDU log and your ready to roll.
7. Yes it works.

AH, I see, by doing this the system doesn't recompile the stuff afterwards, I see. I'll try that and see if it works, thanks.

In Topic: Can not begin the main quest of ts,nor go to Brynnlaw

29 June 2007 - 12:16 PM

Yeah, that could be one of the problems...although I'm not sure I have the patience to do a 4-5 hour Megamod install all over again just to find out if or if not that was causing CTDs in the RoT caves...

Not necessary, just uninstall that one single component of Fixpack and try again.

I have BP-BGT installed.

If I uninstall the fixpack, two things will occur.

1) WEIDU will uninstall all the components following (which is pretty much everything) and then attempt to recompile the entire megamod and take 3-4 hours.

2) 100% certainty that the bgmain.exe will CTD because everyone knows the WEIDU auto-reinstall feature does not work with BP. Even uninstalling a small feature at the end of the megamod chain tends to totally corrupt the entire install, I mean if we are talking about a 3-4 hours WEIDU recomplile vs a 5 hour complete reinstall, I'll take the latter, because at least it's guaranteed to start up.