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Member Since 20 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2004 08:51 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: So... how evil is Edwin going to be?

19 April 2004 - 07:52 PM

but was it considered that an evil romance should... maybe, just maybe... have the evil romancee act evil? Not necessarily kitten-eating evil, but well beyond idle words...?

I think Salvanas-frying could be highly entertaining, Laufey! :lol:

In Topic: Any chance of Edwin Roamancing Imoen or Nalia?

19 April 2004 - 07:35 PM

And unlike Edwin, Haer'Dalis takes few things seriously, is very tolerant and easygoing. He is smart enough to offer intellectual challenge for Edwin.

Seems logical...but Haery's not exactly the most reliable lover in the world, which could cause problems.

Eddie: You've been schmoozing with that insipid waif of an avariel, haven't you?! HAVEN'T YOU?! (My mother always warned me about men like you...)
<sniffles...reaches for spell ingredients>


In Topic: You have got to be kidding...

18 March 2004 - 04:14 PM

There will be dialogues taking place during the 'Edwina phase' since obviously it's something that weighs pretty heavily on Edwin's mind. The 'physical' stage of the relationship won't happen until afterwards though. ;)

(Grins like a complete moron at the prospect of "physicality" with the Dread Wizard)

In Topic: You scratch my back....

12 March 2004 - 12:51 PM

"You made my baby wear that ugly nosering !" (And maybe something about the PC being an "Evil seductress" or something like that *shudders*)

Yup! And I get the feeling that Elvira would be one of those mother-in-laws. You know, the kind that thinks no woman is good enough for her son.

Elvira: Who is this brazen hussy?!?!

Edwin: Actually, her name is <Charname> and_

Elvira: <in disgust> Dear gods, you've NAMED it! What have I told you about bringing strays into the house? (And judging from the smell, sallow complexion and that glassy, unblinking stare, I'll wager she's diseased too, the little rodent)

I apologize for all of that. Sugar rush!!!! :wacko:

In Topic: Progress?

25 February 2004 - 09:53 PM

Ah, good times! Though I'm wondering how long it will be until our favourite Thayvian morphs back into a man and will finally be able to engage in sweet monkey-luvin' with Rini. :lol:

BTW, I think the nickname "hellkitten" is adorable. Will Eddie ever refer to the PC as that? :wub: