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Member Since 14 Aug 2002
Offline Last Active May 20 2011 12:22 AM

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In Topic: Impossible spawns in N Nashkel Road

17 July 2009 - 04:20 PM

With a level 2 party, and only 1 magical weapon, for some reason a Vampiric wolf is spawning in the North Nashkel Road area, which of course makes the combat in this area utterly impossible. Since this is relatively a "newbie" area, this is making things just a bit impossible to explore. Is there perhaps a bug in the spawn table here or something?

I Don't have any combat or spawn mods installed, just a simple install with:


thats it.


I've encountered the same thing and I have a similarly simple installation (i.e. no mods). The wolf spawn is well off the road, however - you have to go west a bit from the entry point assuming you entered from the northern, adjoining area. If you follow the roads, the worst you'll encounter is some hobgoblins and perhaps a bandit and some kobolds. If you decide to explore and discover the entire map, however, you may be in for a surprise. I feel this is entirely acceptable. After all, the wolf is fairly near to the edge of the map so you can always run for it (as long as one of your party members doesn't get held first).

In Topic: Jaheira reverting back to BG1 stats and items

22 September 2008 - 08:59 AM

I have exactly the same problem. I have 1.05b bgt version with the soa transition patch. Is there a way to fix this? Unfortunately I can't add the baldur.gam attachment for some reason..."Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload this type of file" (even though I'm a registered user.)

I believe it has been stated that this happens if you have one of the crossover females (Jaheira or Viconia) in your party at some point in BG1, but not in your party when you transition to BG2, so the savegame file has two versions of that PC, allowing for this to possibly happen when the character returns to your side in BG2 (the wrong character file is used). From what I have gathered from the other thread(s), the only way to fix this is to remove the BG1 character from your savegame file with a utility like Near Infinity (assumably at some point before they return to you), thus ensuring that the BG2 version of their character will return to the party and not the BG1 character by mistake. I have not done this myself.

In Topic: Potion of Freedom is removing Monk's movement bonus

04 September 2008 - 11:24 PM

Post this over at G3.


In Topic: Coran's proficiencies and hit points

04 September 2008 - 07:38 AM

This is addressed in the readme file that displays when installation is finished (C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BGT\Help\[English]PostInstall.htm):

Minsc?s racial enemy: Minsc?s racial enemy is gnolls. In Baldur?s Gate Trilogy-WeiDU, this will not display correctly in the record screen. However, the racial enemy bonus still applies. Minsc?s racial enemy will not update to vampire when he is directly imported into Shadows of Amn due to scripting limitations.

In Topic: BG/BG2 NPC bug

04 September 2008 - 07:13 AM

If this happens, what's the way to fix it? Are you deleting the BG1 NPC from the baldur.GAM file? If so, what utility are you using to do this?