1. The Kid Saved by Aerie
Remember, Aerie is really OLD!!!
(I'm thinking one of the Radiant Heart paladins, probably the one outside the RH stronghold, whatever his name, watching Garrick and the gnome courting Lady Whoever, or Sir Ryan; or any one evil bastard in the game, woe be Aerie!)
2. Viconia's Brother
Again I don't remember his name. Let's say he got saved by the drow thief god ________ (name missing) from Lolth's drider curse, to some extent, and became a half-drider - day a drow and night a drider when Lolth's power reigns. The PC can join him and save him from Lolth's curse. And the Epilogue can mention that he beats Lolth's assassination attempt on Viconia. A happy ending for a romancing-Viconia Charname.
3. The Ultimate Copper Coronet
After you defeat Lehtian, you take over Copper Coronet as your own base, and work to overthrow both the Shadow Thieves and Bodhi's Assassination Guild. And find a third option to reach Brynnlaw by hiring your own ship (but probably with the very same Captain Saemon). Hendak becomes a joinable PC.
That's all for now...
Member Since 08 Feb 2004Offline Last Active Dec 31 2023 03:20 AM