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Member Since 01 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Feb 11 2004 05:32 AM

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In Topic: Bard song...

03 February 2004 - 03:57 AM

ohoh.. the range of the song is logical isnt it?

think about it

we know how sound echoes.. and sound can spend for a very long distance..

so if you guys are gonna change the range. why dont you make it say... different ranges depending on different environments :P

like if you really wanna get logical.. :rolleyes:

sound would travel in a jailhouse.. but wont say in a forest :lol:


In Topic: Bard song...

03 February 2004 - 03:50 AM

To Userun

A fighter is a fighter, a mage is a mage, clerics a cleric, and a thief is just a thief..

so it makes perfect sense for a bard to be a bard..

what i mean is.. in battle.. you would rely on the fighters to melee (tank) and you would expect a mage to stay long ranged, behind the wall(tanks) to stay safe and cast without miscast.. same with clerics. you dont want them getting hurt and using up those healing spells on themselves do you? -_-

so how about a bard. a bard really is a jack of all trade. melee, magic, thief all in one ^_^

able to use everything ( like a fighter) good , pick pocket (thief) crap .. (but there is that realy good use everything ability), magic (mage) great!. to really make the bard into a 'jack', a bard would need something cleric-y.. that's where the song comes in..

fight if he has to ( a true bard rpg player never uses him as melee .. unless you got the kit for it ). pick pocket for 1 ring( the rings kinda good.. if you dont use is .. sell it), use offensive spells (mage) a big help, and using his or her song for support(cleric) sweet stuff ( boost like support spells for unlimited use per day)..

personally i luv using bards... and i like his song ablilty.. 'Moral and luck' nice. and the challenge of actually getting him to access his high level abilities? SWEET!

like i said.. a true bard user shouldnt have to worry about melee or ranged. stick with the song and spell and watch your party reap the rewards.

regarding the song boost stacking or not... i think they should keep it. ( i dont use it... but it sounds fair when comparing to other classes... boosted the bards grade score real up)

well that's how i see it.
