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Member Since 31 Jan 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 07 2023 10:02 AM

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In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

15 March 2012 - 07:53 PM

I'm rather surprised to see the tepid response from a lot of people here. I would've thought the revival of Baldur's Gate by a dedicated team who are upgrading the engine and seem genuinely devoted to the spirit of the game and its mod community would be a cause for celebration.

You should see what the rpgcodex community thought about the Enhanced Edition announcement... Oh wait, you probably shouldn't.

In Topic: Comments on BGEE & BG2EE News

15 March 2012 - 03:19 PM

One idea would be, as soon as they set up a forum or something similar, to add input regarding modding; here's the chance to ask for things that modders have always wished weren't hard-coded, to make their lives easier. No telling if they will actually listen, but it's certainly worth a try! :)

Seeing how modding has kept the Baldur's Gate series alive for the past ~15 years, I'm sure they'll at least consider some of the requests.

In Topic: Forum upgrade complete!

28 January 2012 - 08:49 PM

Out of curiosity, were you guys going to style the pagination at the bottom of the topics (they are bright green currently - which clashes a bit with the rest of the scheme)?

Yep, it will change, even Firkraag disapproves of the current pagination. Wouldn't wanna mess with him, that's for sure!

In Topic: Forum upgrade complete!

27 January 2012 - 10:24 PM

Nice work, the scrolling experience is much smoother with Firefox 9.0.1. Now if I just could convince Firefox that it's a good idea to save my login details in a way that they actually show up in the new sign in form...

And long live the favicon! Is it of a revised design? Inquiring minds need to know!

The login thing is a bit unfortunate for users who don't use password autofilling on keypress, as you can see.

As for the favicon, haven't decided yet—if I can't find the old one, I'll have to make a new one and it may look a bit different from the previous.

Scrolling should be significantly smoother now (shift+F5 or cmd+shift+R to make sure you get the latest version of the stylesheet files). For those who have the Segoe UI font installed (Windows Vista/7/8—XP users can and definitely should get the font due to its widespread usage, the easiest way is probably by installing Windows Live Essentials) should have much more readable text now.

Tons of small tweaks have been made and more changes are incoming, including the glorious restoration of the favicon. :)

Err, actually, to refresh the cache, it's Ctrl + F5 :o
Works great now, thanks !

Right you are, I haven't used Windows in over 5 months, except for gaming.

Also, I did modified the CSS again a bit, to further improve scrolling speeds, might need ctrl+F5/cmd+shift+R to have it properly refresh, try it on the board index page.

In Topic: Forum upgrade complete!

27 January 2012 - 07:20 AM

Scrolling should be significantly smoother now (shift+F5 or cmd+shift+R to make sure you get the latest version of the stylesheet files). For those who have the Segoe UI font installed (Windows Vista/7/8—XP users can and definitely should get the font due to its widespread usage, the easiest way is probably by installing Windows Live Essentials) should have much more readable text now.

Tons of small tweaks have been made and more changes are incoming, including the glorious restoration of the favicon. :)