It seemed my understanding that he had placed all his files online, I assume in the locked BG A Tale Retold forum. At least thats the way it sounded in this post here
He also has listed on his profile he was at least on facebook so i assume anyone who had friended him there might be able to inquire about it there. I have facebook, but no idea who he might be
Member Since 06 Apr 2011Offline Last Active Mar 14 2019 07:07 PM
About Me
Currently working on an NPC/Quest Mod for BGT.
Initial beta release near completion.
Initial beta release near completion.
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- Age 45 years old
- Birthday April 24, 1979
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In Topic: World Map
14 May 2011 - 12:08 AM
In Topic: "Conceptually" Incompatible mods
11 May 2011 - 11:45 PM
The problem I would see in your Branwen mod scenario is with BGT or BGTuTu, not sure which installs in Big World, though I think it is BGT. BGT or more specifically BG1 reserves file parameters for Branwen that effect the whole game, whether she is in BG2 or not, the death variable and dialogue files are set for THAT Branwen, most BG1 NPC Mods have a small assumption of BGT or TuTu, to continue the character in BG2 more seamlessly. The problems here are most evident in Imoen mods, where the vast differences in character from 1 and 2 are more prominent, and make the modding more difficult. I think the conceptual compatibility issue is also mostly used for example the Mod that shortens Spellhold and one that makes it longer would be altering the same files, and the concepts of them would more then likely create a freeze.
As far as working around Big World, you can always download and install every mod individually, which is actually the method I use. However, it also means I do a lot of re-installs when my sequence causes glitches
As far as working around Big World, you can always download and install every mod individually, which is actually the method I use. However, it also means I do a lot of re-installs when my sequence causes glitches
In Topic: [HELP WANTED] Voice Acting and Area Modding
09 May 2011 - 06:47 PM
Are any of the characters female? If so, I might be able to give it a whirl as I have some limited experience voicing and I'd like to get my feet wet on the modding scene, so to speak.
Also, it would help to know what voice ranges you are looking for. High or low? Do the characters sound noble or common? Formally educated or somewhat dim-witted?
First I will have to get some idea of how you sound, so some samples would be helpful. Also try getting more in touch with me, contact info exists on my profile or create an account so we can discuss the project in more detail. My current project is male with a possible female voice in the later version, but I also am working on something else that may need more voicework, but its not MY project so the person in charge of it would have to decide on it.
In Topic: down
05 May 2011 - 11:32 AM
So far the forums seem to be working but the download section is still down. I imagine it will be fixed in 12 hours or less
In Topic: What is the Best mod for BG1-2 for Newbs?
05 May 2011 - 09:44 AM
BG2 Tweaks can normally be found at, however the site seems to be down for the moment. Also note when you install BG2 Tweaks,with BGT don't install the componenets that speeds up the dungeon, if you look through the readme html file there is a link that shows all known compatiblity issues which there are some and usually just an item here and there.
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